Saturday, December 24, 2011

Eins mit dem Leben

Das Jetzt ist Deine einzige Chance, Frieden zu finden.

Frieden findest Du, indem Du Frieden mit dem gegenwärtigen Augenblick schliesst.

Das Geheimnis der Lebenskunst, das Geheimnis allen Erfolgs und Glücks lautet: "Eins mit dem Leben"

Eins mit dem Leben zu sein heisst, eins mit dem Jetzt zu sein.

(Eckhart Tolle, Eine neue Erde)

Cleverness und Klugheit

Cleverness verfolgt eigene, kleine Ziele.
Klugheit sieht das größere Ganze, in dem alle Dinge miteinander verbunden sind.

Was immer durch Cleverness gewonnen wird, hat nicht lange Bestand und erweisst sich irgendwann als kontraproduktiv.

Cleverness trennt. Klugheit verbindet.

(Eckhart Tolle, Eine Neue Erde)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Versuchungen sollte man nachgeben. Wer weiß, ob sie wiederkommen.

(Oscar Wilde)

Du lächelst...

Du lächelst - und die Welt verändert sich.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Zentatsu Richard Baker Roshi

Click here to get to the website of Johanneshof.

Daedalus Abu El Kizan


Es wird ungemütlich.
Der Wind weht stürmisch.
Die Blätter fallen.
Der fröhliche Sommer ist vorbei.
Zwar kämpft die Sonne noch,
aber ihre Strahlen wärmen nicht mehr.
Es wird kalt.
Es wird einsam.
Zeit zum Rückzug.
Eingraben für den Winter.
Hoffen, dass die Kraft reicht.
Abschied nehmen von allem.
Der Lauf der Zeit.
Leben und Tod.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Erinnerungen an einen Cocktail-Abend

Chef's Lieblingscocktail:
Amaretto Velvet

2cl Bols Weiße Schokolade
2cl Bols Braune Schokolade
2cl Amaretto
3cl Sahne

Zusammen mit Eiswürfeln in einen Shaker geben ung gut shaken! Wird dann cremig.

Glas mit Eiswürfeln füllen (Glas wird kalt). Eiswürfel auskippen und Geshaktes (ohne Eis) einfüllen. Trinkfertig. (Original ohne Strohhalm)

Wohlan denn, Herz, nimm Abschied und gesunde!


Wie jede Blüte welkt und jede Jugend
Dem Alter weicht, blüht jede Lebensstufe,
Blüht jede Weisheit auch und jede Tugend
Zu ihrer Zeit und darf nicht ewig dauern.

Es muß das Herz bei jedem Lebensrufe
Bereit zum Abschied sein und Neubeginne,
Um sich in Tapferkeit und ohne Trauern
In andre, neue Bindungen zu geben.

Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne,
Der uns beschützt und der uns hilft, zu leben.

Wir sollen heiter Raum um Raum durchschreiten,
An keinem wie an einer Heimat hängen,
Der Weltgeist will nicht fesseln uns und engen,
Er will uns Stuf' um Stufe heben, weiten.

Kaum sind wir heimisch einem Lebenskreise
Und traulich eingewohnt, so droht Erschlaffen,
Nur wer bereit zu Aufbruch ist und Reise,
Mag lähmender Gewöhnung sich entraffen.

Es wird vielleicht auch noch die Todesstunde
Uns neuen Räumen jung entgegensenden,
Des Lebens Ruf an uns wird niemals enden ...

Wohlan denn, Herz, nimm Abschied und gesunde!

(Hermann Hesse)

Treue zu sich selbst und Güte zu anderen

Philanthropy - the love of humanity

Philanthropy etymologically means "the love of humanity" — love in the sense of caring for, nourishing, developing, or enhancing and humanity in the sense of "what it is to be human," or "human potential."
In modern practical terms:
  • Business - private initiatives for private good, focusing on material prosperity
  • Government - public initiatives for public good, focusing on law and order
  • Philanthropy - private initiatives for public good, focusing on quality of life
Philanthropy is balancing the social-scientific aspect emphasized in the twentieth century, with the long-traditional and original humanist core of the word's ancient coinage.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Discomfort of becoming aware or being ruled

Ultimately, happiness comes down to choosing between the discomfort of becoming aware of your mental afflictions (Beschwerden, Leiden) and the discomfort of being ruled by them.

(Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

A single raindrop doesn't have much effect, but...

Little actions add up over time. A single raindrop doesn't have much effect, but if you have enough raindrops and enough time, you can carve a Grand Canyon.

(Rick Hanson)

The brain - cause and cure of suffering

All animals, including us, have evolved three strategies to help pass on their genes. The animal tries to:

  • Separate what is actually connected, in order to create a boundary between itself and the world

  • Stabilize what keeps changing, in order to maintain it's internal systems within tight ranges

  • Hold onto fleeting (flüchtige) pleasures and escape inevitable pains, in order to approach opportunities and avoid threats

  • For sheer survival, these strategies work great. Whenever a strategy runs into trouble, uncomfortable (sometimes even agonizing) alarm signals pulse through the nervous system to set the animal back on track.

    Whilst trouble comes all the time, most animals don't have nervous systems complex enough to allow these strategies' alarms to grow into significant distress. But our vastly more developed brain is fertile ground for a harvest of suffering.

    Only we humans worry about the future, regret the past, and blame ourself for the present. We get frustrated when we can't have what we want, and disappointed when what we like ends. We suffer that we suffer. We get upset about being in pain, angry about dying, sad about waking up sad yet another day.

    This kind of suffering - which encompasses most of our unhappiness and dissatisfaction - is constructed by the brain. It is made up. This is ironic, poignant (schmerzlich) - and supremely hopeful, for if the brain is the cause of suffering, it can also be its cure.

    (from Rick Hanson: Buddha's Brain)

    Greatest remaining scientific questions today

    It's sometimes said that the greatest remaining scientific questions today are:

    1. What caused the Big Bang?

    2. What is the grand unified theory (GUT) that integrates quantum mechanics and general relativity?

    3. What is the relationship between the mind and the brain, especially regarding consciousness experience?

    The last question is up there with the first two because it is as difficult to answer, and as important.

    It can still take many years before we completely understand the relationship between the brain and the mind, but meanwhile a reasonable working hypothesis is that the mind is what the brain does.

    (from Rick Hanson: Buddha's Brain)

    Understanding our identity would transform the world

    Imagine you look into the mirrow and you could see past the momentary You of today. Imagine you could see back to the You of years ago, the child you once were, the toddler.

    Send your consciousness backward through time, at lightning speed, past your parents, past your grandparents, down past all the generations before them. Your ancestors, your primate ancestors, back past all the animals before them, down to the earliest life, into the first cell, then down into that cell, to the complex chemicals that made it possible. And down into the molten earth and the forming solar system, back to the birth of your carbon and oxygen, and iron atoms in exploding stars far across the galaxy. Look back through the universal expansion, to the creation of the elementary particles that you are made of at this very moment, in the Big Bang.

    This is not fantasy. This is science. We are all this. We are is the sum total of our history.

    How far back we understand that history and how much of our identity we claim is up to us.

    No one had this choice before. Our generation is the first, because we are the first to know our real (scientifically proven) origin story.

    People don't change from learning facts. People change from discovering a big new identity that is available to them, that is meaningful, exiting and that connects them to people they want to be part of. Under these circumstances people can actually change very quickly.

    Our species is central to the cosmos and central to the future of earth and those of us who are alive today, at that pivotal moment, may be the most significant generations ever.

    If we could simply live up to this identity, we would transform the world.

    (Nancy Ellen Abrams)

    The Big Bang wasn't the beginning

    In this very entertaining but clearly scientifically profound speach, Sean Carroll confronts us with a new scenario regarding the origin of our Universe: The Big Bang wasn't the beginning.

    "An unbroken egg is a low-entropy configuration, exactly like our universe at the Big Bang, and yet when we open our refrigerator we are not surprised to find this low-entropy configuration. That's because an egg is not a closed system: It comes out of a chicken. - Maybe the Universe comes out of an universal chicken?!"

    Why started our universe in an extremely low-entropy state?

    All of the macroscopic manifestations of the arrow of time - our ability to turn eggs into omelets but not vice versa, the tendency of milk to mix into coffee but never spontaneously unmix, the fact that we can remember the past but not the future - can be traced to the tendency of entropy to increase, in accordance with the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

    In the 1870's, Boltzmann explained the microscopic underpinnings of the Second Law: Entropy counts the number of microstates corresponding to each macrostate, so if we start (for whatever reason) in a relatively low-entropy state, it's overwhelmingly likely that the entropy will increase toward the future.

    However, due to the fundamental reversibility of the laws of physics, if the only thing we have to go on is the fact that the current state is low entropy, we would with equal legitimacy expect the entropy to have been larger in the past. But the real world doesn't seem to work that way, so we need something else to go on. That something else is the Past Hypothesis: the assumption that the very early universe found itself in an extremely low-entropy state, and we are currently witnessing its relaxation to a state of high entropy.

    The question of why the Past Hypothesis is true belongs to the realm of cosmology. The anthropic principle is woefully inadequate for the task, since we could easily find ourselves constituted as random fluctuations (Boltzmann brains) in an otherwise empty de Sitter space. Likewise, inflation by itself doesn't address the question, as it requires an even lower-entropy starting point than the conventional Big Bang cosmology.

    The way out is, that we can accept the Big Bang had a low entropy, but deny that the Big Bang was the beginning of the universe. The idea that the Big Bang is truly the beginning of the universe is simply a plausible hypothesis, not a result established by reasonable doubt. General relativity doesn't predict that space and time didn't exist before the Big Bang; it predicts that the curvature of spacetime in the very early universe became so large that general relativity itself ceases to be reliable. Therefore quantum gravity absolutely must be taken into account.

    In quantum field theory it is natural to assume that de Sitter space itself should be fluctuating. The entropy associated with de Sitter space is (a) low when the energy density is high and (b) high when the energy density is low. (Therefore the decay of a high-energy de Sitter space into a state with lower vacuum energy is just the natural evolution of a low-entropy state into a high-entropy one.) When the de Sitter space starts at the bottom, where vacuum energy is very small, quantum fluctuations will occasionally push the field up the potential, from the true vacuum to the false vacuum - not everywhere at once, but in some small region of space.

    What happens when a bubble of false vacuum fluctuates into existence in de Sitter space? Inside the bubble, where we've fluctuated into the false vacuum, space wants to expand; but the wall separating the inside from the outside of the bubble wants to shrink, and usually it shrinks away quickly before anything dramatic happens. Therefore, most of the time, the bubble will disappear again as the field will simply dissipate away back into its thermal surroundings.

    However, every once in a while we could get lucky: We could find a fluctuation in a low-vacuum energy de Sitter space (creating a bubble of false vacuum, with the space inside wanting to expand), and simultaneously a fluctuation of space ifself (causing the wall separating the inside from the outside of the bubble to have a weaker tendency to shrink), creating a region that pinches off from the rest of the universe.

    The tiny throat that initially still connects the two is a wormhole, which is unstable and will quickly collapse into nothing, leaving two disconnect spacetimes, the original parent universe and the tiny baby.

    So, in quantum field theory, spacetime can not only bend or stretch (as in ordinary classical general relativity), but also split into multiple pieces. In particular, a tiny bit of space could branch off from a larger universe and go its own way. The separate bit of space is, naturally, known as a baby universe.

    (Inspiration and extracts from Sean Carroll: From Eternity to Here)

    Thursday, August 25, 2011

    2009 Terry Lectures - The New Universe and a Cosmic Society

    In the year 2009, Joel R. Primack and Nancy Ellen Abrams held a series of Lectures at Yale University, which are a must to see if you would want to understand how the latest scientific insight into cosmology can help forming a universal consciousness capable of addressing the pressing issues our global society faces today. 

    Please note that each of those lectures takes approx 1 hour, but rest assured that they are worth every second of your attention:

    (For additional information about the work of Joel R Primack and Nancy Ellen Abrams visit their website

    Think cosmically, act globally, eat locally

    Think cosmically, act globally, eat locally

    (Nacy Ellen Abrams)

    Becoming a Cosmic Society

    If we wake up to the reality of our universe and our predicament (Dilemma) on earth.
    If we humbly accept facts without letting ideologies depress or distort them.
    If we become willing to expand our interpretations of our religious traditions to encompass new knowledge.
    If we integrate it into our thinking and eventually our dreaming and our art.

    Then our culture will have a new Enlightment - and we will become a cosmic society.

    (Nancy Ellen Abrams)

    Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    There is no difference

    (Source of pictures here and here)

    Inconvenient Truth or Reassuring Lie

    Click here to see a funny cartoon with a lot of truth.

    Pressing Problems - Carbon Dioxide

    We live in the middle of the best period for life on Earth, but we have pressing problems to deal with.

    The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been essentially constant for the last 2000 years. In fact it has not gone above 300 ppm (parts per million) for at least the last 800.000 years.

    But in the industrial revolution our ancestors started to burn fossil fuels. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been doubling every 30 years since the year 1800.

    The graph of the human contribution of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is now shooting up almost vertically.
    (Picture of Concentration of Carbon Dioxide in Atmosphere from

    The last thousands of years humans had almost no impact on the global scale, but we now starting to have an enormous impact. If we continue at the present rate, the amount of carbon-dioxide will increaee by a factor of 8 in this century. The consequences for climate will be catastrophic. We have to stop these exponential increases in our impact in the environment very quickly.

    The reason why the societies around the world seem to be unable to deal with these long-term problems may be, that they can't grasp the immense lenght of time that our present actions will affect.

    We live in the middle of the best period for life on Earth

    Our technologies have gotten way ahead of our ability to control or even understand their effects, largely because we don't know how to look far enough ahead. This is why our society has not grasped the seriousness of disrupting the global climate or causing mass extinctions.

    We need to understand, how our special moment of human existence fits into the larger scales of cosmic time. We live in the middle of the best period for life on Earth!

    That period began about half a billion years ago, when - thanks to micro-organisms - the earth acquired the oxygen-rich atmosphere that we all breath today. That's when all the large creatures started to evolve.

    It will end in about half a billion years, when the increasing heat of the sun evaporates all the water which will ultimately be lost.

    We are made of the rarest material in the universe

    The vast majority of all visible matter is Hydrogen and Helium, those two elements which came right out of the Big Bang and from which the stars are made of.

    Only at the death of stars all the other atoms of the table of the periodic system get created and blown out into the universe as stardust. Intelligent beings - which contain these rare materials (e.g. carbon) - can only be made of stardust!

    All visible things in the universe, the stars, the planets, the dust and all the galxies, together total less than 0,5% of what's actually out there.

    We have now a new theory of the universe, according to which allmost everything in the universe is made of two invisible things: Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

    (Picture of Cosmic Density Pyramid from

    We are made out of stardust, but stardust wouldn't exist without dark matter. The gravity of the dark matter pull ordinary matter into the centres of the forming galaxies and there the ordinary matter forms stars, and stardust and planets and ultimately us.

    Look at this fascinating fly-through of the Bolshoi-Simulation produced by the biggest NASA computer. This highly accurate computer simulation represents the density of dark matter in our observable universe.

    (For further information visit

    Our bodies are at the midpoint of all possible sizes

    There is a smallest and a largest size in our universe.

    The smallest size allowed by physics is the Planck Length (10-33 centimeters), at which quantum gravity is supposed to become important and the largest size is simply the diameter of the universe.

    That spectrum of sizes therefore spans...
    • size of the cosmic horizon
    • size of a supercluster of galaxies
    • size of a galaxy
    • size of the distance to Orion Nebular
    • size of the solar system
    • size of the earth
    • size of a mountain
    • size of a human
    • size of an ant
    • size of a bacterium
    • size of a DNA
    • size of an atom
    • size of a nucleus of an atom

    and even smaller...
    • the weak interactions
    • the massive dark matter
    • the grand unified theory (GUT)
    • the Planck Length
    (Picture of Cosmic Uroboros from

    Among those sizes, our position as human beings is central. If we would be much smaller, we woundn't have enough atoms to make up our complex consciousness. If we would be much bigger, the speed of light would inhibit communications. It is exactly the central size that can produce a brain.

    Changing the World through a shared Cosmology

    There is a profound connection between the enornous global problems we are facing today and the fact that most people have no accurate understanding on the full big picture.

    We simply don't know how we fit into the Universe. We don't get what the scientific cosmic discoveries mean for us, in our lives, on an emotional level. But we need to understand this big picture, because otherwise this disconnect is ever going to be more severe.

    The biggest problem facing us today is not how to save the world. We know technologically much of what needs to be done and a lot that could be done today.

    The biggest question facing us today is, what can possibly motivate people to change enough, fast enough, to do enough.

    Have a look at that amazingly insightful speach of Joel R Primack from the University of California in Santa Cruz and his wife Nancy Ellen Abrams, which should allow you to see that you and all of us fit into the newly emerging scientific picture of the universe in an astonishing way.

    In the new picture of the universe, we humans are central or special in surprising ways:
    • Our bodies are at the midpoint of all possible sizes.
    • We are made of the rarest material in the universe.
    • We live in the middle of the best period for life on Earth.
    If we would start to think and act from this new perspective, we could solve the worst global problems.

    (For additional information about the work of Joel R Primack and Nancy Ellen Abrams visit their website

    Sunday, August 21, 2011

    Everyone is doing the best they can...

    Everyone is doing the best they can from their level of consciousness.

    (Deepak Chopra)

    Thoughts emerge from consciousness

    Particles emerge from a void that is pure potential. Thoughts emerge from a void that is pure consciousness.

    (Deepak Chopra)

    Correct perspective

    Correct perspective is no perspective or all perspectives


    "Make me one with everything"

    The Zen master goes up to the hot-dog vendor and says: “Make me one with everything”

    Saturday, August 20, 2011

    Galaxies result from quantum fluctuations

    It's breathtaking to look into the sky at the distribution of galaxies through space, and imagine that they originated in quantum fluctuations when the universe was a fraction of a second old (before inflation caused by super-dark energy took that tiny region of space and blew it up to an enormous size).

    Various distinct vacua

    To a physicist, a "vacuum" does not mean "empty space". It simply means "the lowest energy-state of a theory". Looking at the potential energy curve for some field, the bottom of every valley defines a distinct vacuum state.

    Potential Energy of a Quantum Field

    The energy associated with a field can arise in different ways.

    Usually energy of a field comes about because the field is changing from point to point in spacetime (there is energy in the stretching associated with the changing field values, much like there is energy in the twists or vibrations of a sheet of rubber).

    But in addition to that, fields can carry energy just by sitting there with some fixed value. That kind of energy, associated with the value of the field itself (rather than the changes in the field from place to place or time to time), is known as "potential energy".

    Vibrations in quantum fields give rise to particles. If a field is constant everywhere, so there are no vibrations, you don't see any particles.

    The background value of a field - the average value it takes when we imagine smoothing out all the vibrations - is not directly observable. Nevertheless, it can be indirectly observable, as this "potential energy" can affect the curvature of spacetime.

    Potential energy can be converted into other sorts of energy.

    The Boltzmann-brain problem

    Why do we find ourselves in a universe evolving gradually from a state of incredibly low entropy, rather than being isolated creatures that recently fluctuated from the surrounding chaos (high-entropy state)?

    One year "Change the World"-Blog

    Today marks a very special date for this blog as it is now exactly one year ago, since the very first posting was published.

    Friday, August 19, 2011

    Quantum tunneling - Should I buy an insurance for that?

    Quantum mechanics tells us, that classical particles as we observe them, are actually wave functions.

    This means that an object (e.g. a planet) isn't really a collection of classical particles; it's described by a wave function, just like everything else. That wave function characterizes the probability that we will find the constituents of the planet in any of their possible configurations.

    One of those possible configurations, inevitably, will be a black hole. In other words, from the point of view of someone observing that planet (or anything else), there is a tiny chance they will find that the planet has spontaneously collapsed into a black hole. That's the process known as "quantum tunneling".

    Don't be alarmed. Yes, it's true, just about everything in the universe - the Earth, the Sun, you, me - has a chance of quantum-tunneling into the form of a black hole at any moment. But the chance is very small. It would be many many times the age of the universe before there were a decent chance of it happening.

    (see also Sean Carroll: From Eternity to Here, p.308)

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Number of particles in Universe

    There are approx 1088 particles within our comoving patch of the universe (observable part of the universe).

    Time is a great teacher...

    Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.

    (Hector Berlioz)

    Quantum Field Theory

    The basic idea of quantum field theory is simple: The world is made of fields, and when we observe the wave functions of those fields, we see particles.

    Unlike a particle, which exists at some certain point, a field exists everywhere in space; the electric field, the magnetic field, and the gravitational field are all familiar examples. At every point in space, every field that exists has some particular value (although that value might be zero).

    According to quantum field theory, everything is a field, but when we look at a field, we see particles. When we look at the electric and magnetic fields, for example, we see photons, the particles of electromagnetism. A weakly vibrating electromagnetic field shows up as a small number of photons; a wildly vibrating electromagnetic field shows up as a large number of photons.

    Quantum field theory reconciles quantum mechanics with special relativity. (This is very different from "quantum gravity", which would reconcile quantum mechanics with general relativity, the theory of gravity and spacetime curvature.)

    (see also Sean Carroll: From Eternity to Here, p.269)

    Wednesday, August 17, 2011

    Daylight Moon - Der Mond kämpft um seine Existenz

    Abschied & Beständigkeit

    Der Mond verblasst im Tageslicht.
    "Lass mich ziehen" sagt er.
    So lebe wohl Du Teil von mir.
    Du bist so fern.
    Die Zeit unendlich.
    Die Sehnsucht groß.
    Die Zukunft ungewiss.

    Tuesday, August 16, 2011

    What's your Well-Being Index today?

    "Well-being" is a broad concept that encompasses all aspects of a person's life, including physical and emotional health, lifestyle habits and job satisfaction, social relationships, financial well-being, experience of stress and enjoyment on a daily basis, and access to fundamentals such as healthy food, healthcare, and a safe place to live.

    The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index describes well-being in terms of six domains: Life Evaluation, Physical Health, Emotional Health, Health Behaviors, Work Environment and Basic Access.

    Click here to calculate your individual Well-Being Index and here if you'd like to learn more about the underlying scientific methodology.

    Consciousness Matters - The work of IONS

    Click here to refer directly to the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

    Sail away...

    Sail away

    Monday, August 15, 2011

    Der Mond lacht laut

    Ich sehe den Mond an, jetzt schon seit mehr als einer Stunde, und mir wird mal wieder klar, dass wir unser Schicksal nicht selbst bestimmen.

    Das Universum bestimmt den Weg. Der Mond scheint, ob wir es wollen oder nicht.

    Wenn ich mir den Mond noch etwas genauer betrachte, dann sieht es fast so aus, als würde er die Menschen auslachen, weil sie noch immer glauben, alles unter Kontrolle zu halten.

    "Träumt weiter..." höre ich ihn lachen.

    Das Atmen der Ozeane

    Als ob er mir sagen wollte "Ich bin hier, selbst wenn Du mich nicht immer sehen kannst", so schien der Mond gestern spät abends durch das Fenster. Er rief mich zu sich und ich ging heraus und setzte mich zu ihm. Er war prächtig und stand dort noch immer in seiner vollen Schönheit, selbst wenn der Zeitpunkt des Vollmondes in dieser Periode bereits schon wieder vergangen war. Ich blickte lange in sein wundervolles Antlitz und spürte unsere Verbundenheit. Eine tiefe Verbundenheit die zu jedem Zeitpunkt besteht. Genauso wie der Mond die stetige Zu- und Abnahme der Gezeiten und damit das Atmen der Ozeane ermöglicht, so atme und lebe auch ich nur durch diese Verbindung. Für eininge Minuten war ich wieder alleine mit meinem Mond, genoss die Zweisamkeit, spürte unsere Einheit. In der Gewissheit, dass es niemals enden wird, stand ich dann irgendwann wieder auf, mit Tränen in den Augen, und sagte "Bis ganz bald..."

    Friday, July 29, 2011

    Du fehlst mir...

    Time goes by so slowly - I've hunger for your touch - I need your love

    Click here to hear Unchained Melody and you'll know what I'm feeling.

    Wellness begins with "we"

    Illness begins with "I", wellness begins with "we"

    (Deepak Chopra)

    There are no walls - Rumi Quotes

    They say there is a doorway from heart to heart, but what is the use of a door when there are no walls?


    Click here for other quotes from Rumi.

    Thursday, July 28, 2011

    Barriers within yourself

    Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.


    Beyond wrongdoing and rightdoing

    Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
    and rightdoing there is a field.
    I'll meet you there.

    When the soul lies down in that grass
    the world is too full to talk about.


    Wednesday, July 27, 2011

    Consciousness Tranformation Model - IONS

    For detailed information on the Consciousness Transformation Model please refer to the Institute of Noetic Sciences Research.

    Consciousness - It's a no-brainer

    What a beautiful wordplay the Institute of Noetics Sciences (IONS) provides: "Consciousness - It's a no-brainer"

    For more information please refer to the official IONS website.

    Tuesday, July 26, 2011

    Global Heart

    Embodied manifestations of the universal soul which deeply contributed to my own evolution of consciousness and the creation of a global heart during the 2011 conference of the Institute of Noetic Sciences in San Francisco.

    I'm grateful for your existence.

    Saturday, July 23, 2011

    Follow your heart...

    It is amazing what can happen, if you simply follow your heart, be yourself and trust the universe.

    My heart is the guide. I'm glad you exist. I'm grateful for the moments.

    Thanks for the opportunity to experience the energy field, to articulate my feelings, my beliefs and my ever evolving worldview. Thanks for allowing me to be who I am.

    Our embodied soul will always be the connection. Connection is Love. Love is oneness.

    I am you, and you are me.

    I love you.

    In Lak'ech

    Four Years. Go.

    Scientists tend to agree that our world is rapidly reaching a tipping point and we would need to act quickly in order to save our planet.

    (Click here to get an idea what we could achieve within four years)

    Friday, July 22, 2011

    Noetic Sciences

    What are the Noetic Sciences?

    Noetic (from the Greek noēsis / noētikos) means inner wisdom, direct knowing, or subjective understanding.

    Sciences are systems of acquiring knowledge that use observation, experimentation, and replication to describe and explain natural phenomena.

    Noetic Sciences are a multidisciplinary field that brings objective scientific tools and techniques together with subjective inner knowing to study the full range of human experiences.

    Wednesday, July 20, 2011

    Alcatraz - The Rock

    A prisoner described Alcatraz as follows:

    When you break the rules of law you go to prison.
    When you break the rules of prison you go to Alcatraz.

    Sunday, July 17, 2011

    Zeitliche Abfolge der Ereignisse - Zecharia Sitchin

    Nach den alten Aufzeichnungen der Sumerer sind die Nefilim 120 schars (= 432000 Jahre) vor der Sintflut im Zeitalter des Stiers auf der Erde gelandet.

    Ein Zeitraum von 432000 Jahren entspricht im präzessionalen Zyklus sechzehn vollen Zyklen (1 voller Zyklus = 1 Großes Jahr = 25920 Jahre) und weiteren acht zodiakalen Häusern (1 Zodiakales Haus = 2160 Jahre).

    Die Sintflut war ca 11000 v.Chr., also etwa zu Beginn des Zeitalters des Löwen.

    Daraus ergibt sich, dass die Nefilim vor ca 445000 Jahren, angeführt von Enki, gelandet sind.

    Vor etwa 430000 Jahren beginnen die großen Eisdecken der damaligen Eiszeit zu weichen. Im Nahen Osten herrscht ein ausgesprochen angenehmes Klima.

    Vor etwa 400000 Jahren breitet sich die Interglaziale (Zwischenwarmzeit) weltweit aus. Enlil kommt zur Erde und Enki setzt Seeweg nach Südafrika fest.

    Vor etwa 300000 Jahren wird der Mensch als primitiver Arbeiter infolge eines Aufstandes der Anunnaki von Enki und Ninhursag erschaffen.

    Vor etwa 250000 Jahren vermehrt und verbreitet sich der frühe Homo Sapiens auf andere Erdteile.

    Vor etwa 200000 Jahren ist das Leben auf der Erde während einer neuen Eiszeit dem Rückschritt ausgesetzt.

    Vor etwa 100000 Jahren setzt wieder warmes Klima ein. Die Söhne der Götter nehmen die Töchter der Menschen zur Frau.

    Vor etwa 75000 Jahren beginnt mit einer neuen Eiszeit die "Verfluchung der Erde"

    Vor etwa 49000 Jahren übernimmt Ziusudra ("Noah") als treuer Diener Enkis die Herrschaft.

    Vor etwa 38000 Jahren vermindert sich die Zahl der Menschen bedingt durch die rauhen klimatischen Verhältnisse immer mehr. Der europäische Neandertaler verschwindet und nur die aus dem Nahe Osten stammende Cro-Magnon-Rasse überlebt die schlimme Zeit. Enlil möchte die Menschheit, die ihn enttäuscht hat, ausrotten.

    Vor etwa 13000 Jahren löst der nahende zwölfte Planet die Sintflut aus, wodurch der Eiszeit ein plötzliches Ende gemacht wird. Der Mensch beginnt mit dem Ackerbau.

    Etwa 3800 v.Chr. Beginn der sumerischen Zivilisation.

    Etwa 3200 v.Chr. Beginn der ägyptischen Zivilisation.

    Etwa 2200 v.Chr. Beginn der chinesischen Zivilisation.

    Etwa 1400 v.Chr. Auszug der Israeliten aus Ägypten.

    Etwa 600 v.Chr. Begründung der Lehre Buddhas in Indien.

    Etwa 500 n.Chr. Maya-Zivilisation in Südamerika.

    Etwa 800 n.Chr. Karl der Große gründet das Heilige Römische Reich.

    Für weitere Details siehe Zecharia Sitchin: "Der zwölfte Planet" (ISBN 978-3-930219-58-2), das erste Buch der Chroniken des Planeten Erde.

    If we have no peace...

    If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

    (Mother Teresa)

    Prisoner of the past or pioneer of the future

    Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future. The past is closed and limited, the future is open and free.

    (Deepak Chopra)

    Saturday, July 16, 2011

    How to be happy - Srikumar Rao

    Happiness is our innate nature, but we have spent our entire life learning to be unhappy, because we believe in the "If-Then" mental model ("If this happens, then I will be happy").

    People continuously chase the particular "If" in order to become happy, whilst they should understand that the actual mental model itself is wrong.

    You feel happiness in the moment, when you accept the universe exactly as it is.

    Click here to hear Srikumar Rao speaking about happiness.

    We can change the world - Jane Goodall

    Click here to see Jane Goodall, the world famous primate research scientist, passionate conservationist and humanitarian, speaking about what seperates us from the apes and that we can change the world. There is hope. It is up to us.

    Friday, July 15, 2011

    The Empathic Civilisation

    All humans are soft-wired with mirrow neurons for reasons of sociability, attachment, affection and companionship - the basis of Empathy.

    Over time we have witnessed an evolution of empathy based on blood ties (e.g. family and tribes), to an empathy resulting from religious associations, to empathy from national identification.

    Why should it stop here? Why can't we extent our empathy to the entire human race, our fellow creatures and our biosphere?

    Click here to see the entertaining story, leading from mirrow neurons to an empathic civilisation.

    The origin of the Universe - Sean Carroll

    Please click here to find a link to Sean Carroll, a leading theoretical cosmologist, talking about the origin of the universe and the arrow of time.

    Monday, July 4, 2011

    O Sole Mio

    Wie schön ist ein sonniger Tag,
    die klare Luft nach einem Sturm!
    Die frische Luft wirkt wie ein Fest
    Wie schön ist ein sonniger Tag.
    Es gibt keine Sonne, die schöner ist (als Du).
    Oh, meine Sonne, strahlt von Dir!
    Die Sonne, meine Sonne, strahlt von Dir,
    strahlt von Dir!

    (Click here to hear the amazing voices from Il Volo)

    In Lak'ech

    In Mayan tradition the greeting In Lak'ech means I am another yourself (a modern day interpretation). It also means I am you, and you are me (a traditional Mayan interpretation). It is a statement of unity and oneness.

    Sunday, July 3, 2011

    The Master Key System

    Where do all things have their origin?
    What is the source of all wisdom, power and intelligence?
    What is the source of all evil?
    What is the source of all good?
    What is thought?
    Why is intuition superior to reason?
    What is the world without in relation to the world within?
    What is the nature of the Universal Mind?
    How can the Individual act on the Universal?

    Find The Master Key System if those kind of questions are of importance to you.

    Look well to This Day

    Look to This Day
    For it is Life, the very Life of Life.
    In its brief course lie all the Verities (Wahrheiten)
    and Realities of your existence;
    The Bliss of Growth;
    The Glory of Action;
    The Splendor of Beauty.
    For Yesterday is but a Dream,
    And Tomorrow is only a Vision:
    But today well lived makes 
    every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness, 
    and every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.
    Look well, therefore, to This Day!

    From the Sanskrit

    Saturday, July 2, 2011

    Earths forbidden Secrets

    "One should never attribute an action to malice (Böswilligkeit) when it can be adequately explained by stupidity."

    (Quote from Maxwell Igan: Earths forbidden Secrets (Part One) - Searching for The Past)

    Because it is right...

    "The Ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

    Cowardice (Feigheit) asks the question – Is it safe?
    Expedience (Zweckmäßigkeit) asks the question – Is it politic (klug)?
    Vanity (Selbstgefälligkeit) asks the question – Is it popular?

    But Conscience (Gewissen) asks the question  –  Is it right?

    And there comes a time when a man must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because it is RIGHT!"

    (Martin Luther King)

    Tuesday, June 28, 2011

    Fly me to the moon...

    Fly me to the moon...

    (Click here to check-in)

    Sunday, June 26, 2011

    Earthrise - my most favorite picture

    (Source: NASA Apollo 8 Mission)

    Geschenke des Universums

    Niemand weiß, welche Geschenke das Universum noch für uns bereit hält.

    Friday, June 24, 2011

    The Heart of Creation

    Love is the ultimate truth at the heart of creation.

    (Deepak Chopra)

    The Experience of Spirituality

    If someone doesn't understand spirituality, ask them if they have ever been in love. That's the experience of spirituality.

    (Deepak Chopra)

    Thursday, June 23, 2011

    Law of attraction

    There is a world within - a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and life and beauty and, although invisible, its forces are mighty.

    The world within is governed by mind. When we discover this world we shall find the solution for every problem, the cause for every effect; and since the world within is subject to our control, all laws of power and possession are also within our control.

    The world without is a reflection of the world within. What appears without is what has been found within. In the world within may be found infinite Wisdom, infinite Power, infinite Supply of all that is necessary, waiting for unfoldment, development and expression. If we recognize these potentialities in the world within they will take form in the world without.

    Harmony in the world within will be reflected in the world without by harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, the best of everything. It is the foundation of health and a necessary essential to all greatness, all power, all attainment, all achievement and all success.

    Harmony in the world within means the ability to control our thoughts, and to determine for ourselves how any experience is to affect us.

    If we find wisdom in the world within, we shall have the understanding to discern the marvelous prossibilities that are latent in this world within, and we shall be given the power to make these possibilities manifest in the world without.

    As we become consicous of the wisdom in the world within, we mentally take possession of this wisdom, and by taking mental possession we come into actual possession of the power and wisdom necessary to bring into manifestation the essentials necessary for our most complete and harmonious development.

    We are related to the world without by the objective mind. The brain is the organ of this mind and the cerebro-spinal system of nerves puts us in conscious communication with every part of the body. This system of nerves responds to every sensation of light, heat, odor, sound and taste.

    When this mind thinks correctly, when it understands the truth, when the thoughts sent through the cerebro-spinal nervous system to the body are constructive, these sensations are pleasant, harmonious.

    We are related to the world within by the subconscious mind. The solar plexus is the organ of this mind; the sympathetic system of nerves presides over all subjective sensations, such as joy, fear, love, emotion, respiration, imagination and all other subsonscious phenomena. It is through the subconscious that we are connected with the Universal Mind and brought into relation with the infinite constructive forces of the Universe.

    It is the coordination of these two centers of our being, and the understanding of their functions, which is the great secret of life. With this knowledge we can bring the objective and subjective minds into conscious coorperation and thus coordinate the finite and the infinite. Our future is entirely within our own control. It is not at the mercy of any capricious or uncertain external power.

    Every thought therefore is a cause and every condition an effect; for this reason it is absolutely essential that you control your thoughts so as to bring forth only desirable conditions.

    It should be plain that when you acquire a thorough understanding of this law, and are able to control your thought processes, you can apply it to any condition; in other words, you will have come into conscious cooperation with the omnipotent law which is the fundamental basis of all things.

    This system will bring you into a realization of power which will be yours when you understand this relation between the world without and the world within. The world within is the cause, the world without the effect; to change the effect you must change the cause.

    (Quotes from "The Master Key System" by Charles Hanel)

    Change your words

    Only using different words can already make a big impact.

    (Click here to see a short video)

    Monday, June 20, 2011

    Monday means Moon-Day

    Monday is the day that reminds us of the god of the moon, the god of reflection.

    Thursday, June 16, 2011

    Unser Universum

    Ich werde wieder dort sein, an unserem Tag, an unserem Platz, mit unserer Musik, in unserer niemals endenden Einheit.

    Wednesday, June 15, 2011

    Wir ALLE sind Schöpfer

    Die Antwort auf die Frage, ob wir unsere Realität selbst erschaffen, ist eindeutig "Ja", denn wir ALLE sind Schöpfer die in Einheit und mit liebevoller Intention alles schaffen können.

    Monday, June 13, 2011

    Erkennen mit Sinnen, Verstand und Glauben

    Der Mensch erkennt zuerst mit den Sinnen. Darauf aufbauend erkennt er mit dem Verstand. Und wiederum darauf aufbauend erkennt er mit dem Glauben.

    (Stefan Fleischer)

    Saturday, June 11, 2011

    Happy People, Good Business, Healthy Planet

    Glück ist eine subjektive Empfindung eines jeden Einzelnen. Es gibt eine Vielzahl verschiedener Glücksdefinitionen. Sankt Augustinus von Hippo (354-430 n.Chr.) definierte Glück so: "Glück ist, das zu bekommen, was man sich wünscht". Man könnte das Glück also stark vereinfacht etwa auch durch folgende Formel berechnen:

    Glück = Individuelle Bezüge ("was man bekommt") minus Individuelle Wünsche ("was man sich wünscht")

    Das individuelle Glück lässt sich demnach auf zwei grundsätzlich unterschiedliche Weisen steigern:
    (a) durch höhere individuelle Bezüge oder
    (b) durch reduzierte individuelle Wünsche

    Menschen, deren individueller Überzeugung nach alles getrennt voneinander existiert, also diejenigen, die sich eher am linken Ende des Bewusstseins-Spektrums (Getrenntheit) befinden, haben tendenziell mehr Wünsche, weil in ihrem Weltbild alles materialistisch und getrennt voneinander wünschenswert ist. Das Glück dieser Menschen erfordert demnach höhere individuelle Bezüge - sie brauchen mehr um glücklich zu sein.

    Menschen am anderen Ende des Bewusstseins-Spektrums (Einheit) sind oftmals eher spirituell und haben zumeist weniger materialistische Wünsche, weil ihrer Überzeugung nach alles Eins ist. Daher brauchen solche Menschen weniger um glücklich zu sein.

    Es besteht ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Bewusstseins-Zustand und dem Glück. Materialistisch eingestellte und an Getrenntheit glaubende Menschen brauchen mehr, um das gleiche subjektive Glück zu empfinden als spirituelle und an Einheit glaubende Menschen.

    Auch im Geschäftsleben spielt der jeweilige Bewusstseins-Zustand eine wesentliche Rolle, weil er das Verständnis und die Definition von "gutem" Business massgeblich beeinflusst. Geschäftsleute am Getrenntheits-Ende des Bewusstseins-Spektrums werden tendenziell eher solche Aktivitäten und Transaktionen als "gut" bewerten, die zu ihrem eigenen - wie auch immer gearteten - Vorteil führen.

    Auf der anderen Seite des Bewusstseins-Spektrums (Einheit) werden solche Geschäfte als "gut" angesehen, die mit einem klaren Verständnis dafür durchgeführt werden, dass alles miteinander in Verbindung steht. Aktivitäten die anderen Geschäftsteilnehmern Schaden und Leid zuführen würden, werden explizit vermieden aus dem Glauben, dass dieser Schaden letztlich auch das eigene Geschäft treffen wird, weil alles Eins ist.

    Selbst die Gesundheit unseres Planeten wird durch den Bewusstseins-Zustand unserer Gesellschaft dramatisch beeinflußt, denn Menschen mit der Überzeugung dass alles eine Einheit ergibt sehen sich selbst letztlich auch nicht von der Natur und dem Planeten getrennt. Menschen mit einem Einheits-Bewusstsein sind tendenziell stärker daran interessiert, die Natur und unseren Planeten zu schützen als diejenigen, welche eher ein Getrenntheits-Bewusstsein haben.

    Unsere Vision ist die Harmonie von Glücklichen Menschen, Gutem Business und einem gesunden Planeten.

    Wir unterstützen aktiv die Bewusstseins-Entwicklung eines jeden Einzelnen und somit den Geistigen Klimawandel in unserer Gesellschaft, um die Vision von Happy People, Good Business und Healthy Planet in die Realität umzusetzen.

    Evolution of Consciousness / Bewusstseins-Entwicklung

    Jeder einzelne Mensch hat sein eigenes Weltbild und Glaubenssystem. Manche Menschen sind davon überzeugt, dass alles vollkommen getrennt voneinander existiert, während andere glauben, dass alles miteinander zusammenhängt. Je nach individueller Überzeugung befindet sich der Mensch an einem bestimmten Punkt auf dem Bewusstseins-Spektrum zwischen vollkommener Getrenntheit und vollkommener Einheit.

    Würde man alle Menschen nach ihrer Position auf dem Bewusstseins-Spektrum befragen, so ergäbe sich eine gewisse Bewusstseins-Verteilung unserer Gesellschaft, wobei sich die Verteilungskurve in Abhängigkeit von der Zeit verändern kann. Aus einer primär Getrenntheit empfindenden Gesellschaft kann sich durch einen "geistigen Klimawandel" im Laufe der Zeit eine Gesellschaft mit einem stärker ausgeprägten Einheits-Bewusstsein entwickeln.

    Happiness results from extremely refined spiritual nature

    If you meet someone with an extremely refined spiritual nature, he or she will probably be happy, smiling, laughing, almost childlike. This is because such people look at the whole of humanity with the eye of love.

    (Jonathan Black: The secret history of he world, p.252)

    Was man liebt, soll man nicht halten

    Was man liebt, soll man nicht halten.

    (Napoleon Bonaparte)

    Selbstgespräch der Seele

    Das Denken ist das Selbstgespräch der Seele.


    Friday, June 3, 2011


    I'm not gone. I'm just silent. Mind doesn't need words.

    Saturday, March 19, 2011

    What will and will not pass away...

    Everything that you have seen, every flower, every bird, every rock will pass away and turn to dust, but that you have seen them will not pass away.

    (Old cabalistic saying)

    Monday, March 14, 2011

    Viele kleine Fehler

    Hinter jeder großen Katastrophe verbergen sich viele kleine Fehler.


    Die Aufgabe der Weisen und Tapferen

    Die Aufgabe der Weisen ist, die Katastrophe vorauszusehen. Die Aufgabe der Tapferen, die kommende Katastrophe zu bewältigen.


    So tun als ob man etwas weiss...

    Wissen, dass man nichts weiß ist das Beste. So tun als ob man etwas weiß, was man nicht weiß, ist eine Katastrophe.


    Sunday, March 13, 2011

    Zu fest oder zu unsicher

    Liebe ist ein Glas, das zerbricht, wenn man es zu unsicher oder zu fest anfaßt.

    (Russ. Sprichwort)

    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    Die Tür zur Zukunft

    Der Abschied ist die Tür zur Zukunft.

    (Manfred Hinrich)

    Sterben wie mein Großvater

    Ich möchte einmal sterben wie mein Großvater. Selig im Schlaf und nicht schreiend wie sein Beifahrer.

    (Oguz Imrencler)

    Vertiefung und Nichtigkeit

    Je mehr sich der Mensch in sich selbst vertieft und je nichtiger er sich vorkommt, umso mehr erhebt er sich zu Gott.

    (Brahmanische Weisheit)

    Loslassen um zu haben

    Du kannst nichts haben, solange du es nicht losläßt.


    Musik und Rhythmus

    Musik und Rhythmus finden ihren Weg zu den geheimsten Plätzen der Seele.


    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Liebe ist...

    Liebe ist, den gleichen Weg zu gehen.

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    Sehnsucht und Streben nach Ganzheit

    Liebe ist die Sehnsucht nach der Ganzheit, und das Streben nach der Ganzheit wird Liebe genannt.


    Es ist eine Schande

    Es ist keine Schande nichts zu wissen, wohl aber nichts lernen zu wollen.


    Von der Liebe berührt...

    Von der Liebe berührt, wird jeder zum Dichter.


    Sterben mit Herzeleid

    Zweierlei Leute sterben mit Herzeleid: wer gehabt und nicht genossen, und wer gewußt und nicht gewirkt.


    Doppelleben und Sterben

    Auch wer ein Doppelleben führt,
    stirbt nur einmal.

    (Walter Ludin)

    Das Sein geht weiter

    Das Leben stirbt,
    aber das Sein geht weiter.


    Komm heim

    Als Gott sah, daß der Weg zu lang,
    der Hügel zu steil,
    das Atmen zu schwer wurde,
    legte er seinen Arm um dich und sprach:
    "Komm heim".

    Saturday, March 5, 2011

    Sorglos sterben

    Der hat die Weisheit erfaßt, der ebenso sorglos stirbt, wie er geboren wurde.

    (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

    Weder durstig noch betrunken

    Wir sollten das Leben verlassen wie ein Bankett: weder durstig noch betrunken.


    In Frieden gegen...

    Wer in Frieden geht - hat den Krieg hinter sich.

    (Klaus Ender)

    Geburt, Leben, Sterben

    Er wurde geboren,
    versuchte zu leben
    und starb trotzdem.

    (Walter Ludin)

    Keiner würde am Leben bleiben

    Selbst wenn das Sterben vom Willen des Menschen abhinge, würde keiner am Leben bleiben.

    (Christian Friedrich Hebbel)

    ...noch ein Bäumchen pflanzen

    Wenn ich wüßte, daß morgen die Welt untergeht, würde ich heute noch ein Bäumchen pflanzen.

    (Martin Luther)

    Sterben der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft

    Stirbt ein Elternteil, so stirbt die Vergangenheit. Stirbt ein Partner, so stirbt die Gegenwart. Stirbt ein Kind, so stirbt die Zukunft.


    Wenn wir nicht mehr da sind...

    Wenn wir nicht mehr da sind,
    sind wir das, was wir sind.

    (Walter Ludin)

    Liebe und Tod

    Liebe und Tod liegen überall auf der Lauer.

    Friday, March 4, 2011

    Der bestirnte Himmel und das moralische Gesetz

    Zwei Dinge erfüllen das Gemüt mit immer neuer und zunehmender Bewunderung und Ehrfurcht, je öfter und anhaltender sich das Nachdenken damit beschäftigt: Der bestirnte Himmel über mir und das moralische Gesetz in mir.

    (Immanuel Kant)

    Unconditional Love

    I love you as you are, as you seek to find your own special way to relate to the world.

    I honour your choices to learn in the way you feel is right for you.

    I know it is important that you are the person you want to be and not someone that I or others think you "should" be. I realise that I cannot know what is best for you, although perhaps sometimes I think I do.

    I have not been where you have been, viewing life from the angle you have. I do not know what you have chosen to learn, how you have chosen to learn it, with whom or in what time period. I have not walked life looking through your eyes, so how can I know what you need.

    I allow you to be in the world without a thought or word of judgement from me about the deeds you undertake. I see no error in the things you say and do. In this place where I am, I see that there are many ways to perceive and experience the different facets of our world. I allow without reservation the choices you make in each moment. I make no judgement of this, for if I would deny your right to your evolution, then I would deny that right for myself and all others.

    To those who would choose a way I cannot walk, whilst I may not choose to add my power and my energy to this way, I will never deny you the gift of love that God has bestowed within me, for all creation. As I love you, so I shall be loved. As I sow, so shall I reap.

    I allow you the Universal right of Free Will to walk your own path, creating steps or to sit awhile if that is what is right for you. I will make no judgement that these steps are large or small, nor light or heavy or that they lead up or down, for this is just my viewpoint. I may see you do nothing and judge it to be unworthy and yet it may be that you bring great healing as you stand blessed by the Light of God. I cannot always see the higher picture of Divine Order.

    For it is the inalienable right of all life to choose their own evolution and with great Love I acknowledge your right to determine your future. In humility I bow to the realisation that the way I see as best for me does not have to mean it is also right for you. I know that you are led as I am, following the inner excitement to know your own path.

    I know that the many races, religions, customs, nationalities and beliefs within our world bring us great richness and allow us the benefit and teachings of such diverseness. I know we each learn in our own unique way in order to bring that Love and Wisdom back to the whole. I know that if there were only one way to do something, there would need only be one person.

    I will not only love you if you behave in a way I think you should, or believe in those things I believe in. I understand you are truly my brother and my sister, though you may have been born in a different place and believe in another God than I.

    The love I feel is for all of God's world. I know that every living thing is a part of God and I feel a Love deep within for every person, animal, tree and flower, every bird, river and ocean and for all the creatures in all the world.

    I live my life in loving service, being the best me I can, becoming wiser in the perfection of Divine Truth, becoming happier in the joy of Unconditional Love.

    (Sandy Stevenson: Unconditional Love - Love Without Condition)

    Bedingungslose Liebe

    Ich liebe dich - wie du bist:

    während Du auf der Suche bist nach Deiner eigenen besonderen Art, mit der Welt um Dich herum in Beziehung zu treten, ehre ich Deine Entscheidungen, auf welche Weise Du Deine Lektionen lernen möchtest.

    Ich weiß, daß es wichtig ist, daß Du genau der Mensch bist, der Du sein möchtest und nicht der, den ich oder andere erwarten.

    Es ist mir klar, daß ich nicht weiß, was für Dich das Beste ist, obwohl ich vielleicht manchmal meine, es zu wissen. Ich war nicht dort, wo Du warst, und ich habe das Leben nicht aus Deinem Blickwinkel gesehen.

    Ich weiß nicht, welche Lernaufgaben Du Dir ausgesucht hast, noch wie oder mit wem Du sie lösen möchtest, noch welche Zeitspanne Du Dir dafür vorgenommen hast. Ich habe nicht aus Deinen Augen geblickt, wie könnte ich also wissen, was Du benötigst.

    Ich lasse Dich durch die Welt gehen, ohne Deine Handlungen in Gedanken oder Worten zu beurteilen, die Dinge, die Du sagst oder tust, betrachte ich nicht als Irrtum oder Fehler, von meinem Punkt aus sehe ich, daß es vielerlei Möglichkeiten gibt, die verschiedenen Seiten unserer Welt zu betrachten und zu erfahren.

    Ich akzeptiere rückhaltlos jede Deiner Entscheidungen in jedem beliebigen Augenblick.

    Ich fälle keinerlei Urteil, denn wenn ich Dir Dein Recht auf Deine Entwicklung abspräche, so würde ich damit das selbe auch mir und allen anderen absprechen.

    Jenen, die einen anderen Weg wählen als ich, auf den ich vielleicht nicht meine Kraft und Energie lenken würde, werde ich doch niemals die Liebe verweigern, die Gott in mich gesenkt hat, damit ich sie der ganzen Schöpfung schenke. Wie ich Dich liebe, so werde auch ich geliebt - was ich säe, das werde ich ernten.

    Ich gestehe Dir das universelle Recht auf freie Entscheidung zu, Deinen eigenen Pfad zu wandeln und voranzuschreiten oder eine Weile auszuruhen, je nachdem was für Dich gerade das Richtige ist.

    (Sandy Stevenson: "Bedingungslose Liebe", Übersetzung von Sigrid Helermann-Walthen)

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    Abschied ist Geburt

    Der Abschied ist die Geburt der Erinnerung.

    Tot ist nur, wer vergessen wird

    Wer im Gedächtnis seiner Lieben lebt, der ist nicht tot, der ist nur fern. Tot ist nur, wer vergessen wird.

    (Immanuel Kant)


    Du hast es geschafft. Dein Leben war schwer. Es war Dein Weg. Möge Deine Seele recht bald Frieden finden.

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    Die Kraft zur Prüfung

    Gott erlegt uns keine Prüfungen auf, ohne uns zugleich die Kraft zu geben, sie zu ertragen.

    (Edith Stein)

    Steigerung der Prüfungen

    Mit den Jahren steigern sich die Prüfungen.

    (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

    Etwas in Gänze erkennen...

    Um etwas in seiner Gänze erkennen zu können, muss man zunächst die Einzelheiten studieren.

    (Willy Meurer)

    Wissenschaft überflüssig

    Alle Wissenschaft wäre überflüssig, wenn die Erscheinungsform und das Wesen der Dinge unmittelbar zusammenfielen.

    (Karl Marx)

    Saturday, February 26, 2011

    God, Elohim, Jehovah

    Genesis 1:26 is usually translated as 'In the beginning God made heaven and earth', but in fact the word 'Elohim' here translated as 'God' is plural. The passage properly reads 'In the beginning the gods made heaven and earth'. What is being referred to here are astronomical deities. The gods who 'let there be light' in Genesis are the Seven Great Spirits who work together as the great spiritual influence emanating from the sun. In the religions of the ancient world the Sun God - Elohim, the seven great spirits - made heaven and earth.

    In the ancient world the Sun god was typically depicted emanating seven rays, as a mark of the seven sun spirits that make up his nature. In the Egyptian Book of Dead they are known as the Seven Spirits of Ra and in ancient Hebrew tradition as the Seven Powers of Light.

    Later Genesis ceases to refer to Elohim and instead the word usually translated as 'God' is 'Jehovah'.

    Biblical scholars working outside the esoteric tradition have tended to explain what appears to them as two different names for the same God as the result of two different literary strands, the Elohim strand and the Jehovah strand, probably dating from different periods and woven together by a later redactor.

    However, scholars working within the esoteric tradition have a much simpler explanation. Elohim and Jehovah are not different names for the same entity but different entities as such.

    Elohim is a collective name for the Seven Spirits working together as the god of the Sun.

    Jehovah came into being, when one of the seven spirits of the sun (Elohim) broke away to become the God of the moon. This god of reflection came to defend the Earth from Venus.

    To Hebrews the God of the Moon became known as Jehova and to the Muslims as Allah, the great god of thou-shalt-not (=Du sollst nicht...).

    As Elohim - the seven spirits which are the Sun God - acted to hold Saturn/Satan in check, Jehova - the God of the Moon - directed operations to hold Venus/Luzifer in check. So began the era of the moon.

    The first three epochs of the cosmos, the mineral, vegetable and animal eras - Saturn-day, Sun-day and Moon-day - are remembered in the names of the first three days of the week.

    (Inspiration and extracts from Jonathan Black: The secret history of the world)

    Devil, Satan, Luzifer

    One would assume that there is only one devil and that Satan and Lucifer are the same entity, but that is not the case.

    Satan, the Dark Lord, the agent of materialism, is to be identified with the god of the planet Saturn.

    Lucifer, the snake, the tempter who inflames humanity with animal desire equates to the goddess of Venus/Aphrodite.

    Lucifer is evil, but he is a necessary evil, because without his intervention, proto-humanity would not have evolved beyond a vegetative form of life. Because of Lucifer, we are animated, both in terms of moving on the surface and are moved by desire. An animal has a conscious awareness of itself as a distinct entity that is denied to plants.

    Another part of the ancient history tells that as Lucifer fell, a great emerald (Parcifal's stone) dropped from his forehead, which signals that humanity would increasingly suffer a loss of vision in the third eye, the brow chakra.

    While the result of the influence of Satan is that life is often hard to bear, it is as a result of the influence of Lucifer/Venus that life is often hard to understand.

    The influence of Venus brought a paradoxical, tricky quality into the heart of the universe. In other words, delusion (=Täuschung/Illusion) entered the world. Lucifer endowed matter with glamour that would dazzle humankind, and blind people to higher truths.

    The Luziferic element is infused into our very physiology. Desire and delusion combine in us dangerously. Because of Luzifer's influence, the good that I should do, I do not, and the evil which I should not do, I do. Part of us always knows what is right, but that is often overruled by a part that is under Luzifer's control.

    Because of Luzifer we do not always believe in proportion to the evidence. We often believe what we want to believe; see things, depending on how we choose to look at them; can be good-heartedly or narrow-minded.

    (Inspiration and extracts from Jonathan Black: The secret history of the world)

    The pituitary gland and the moon

    In all ancient cultures the moon regultated not only fertility but also thought. The moon as god of reflection has the power to modify desire.

    Human reflection is possible as the cosmos has arranged sun and moon in the sky so that the moon reflects the light of the sun down to earth.

    There is a reproduction of this arrangement in a smaller scale inside our human head, where the pineal gland (=Zirbeldrüse/Pinealdrüse) represents the sun and the pituitary gland (=Hirnanhangsdrüse/Hypophyse) represents the moon.

    The pituitary gland can modify and reflect on the visions that the pineal gland receives from the spirit worlds.

    Modern science has confirmed, that the pituitary glands (=Hirnanhangsdrüse/Hypophyse) - like oysters - wax and wane with the moon.

    (Inspiration and extracts from Jonathan Black: The secret history of the world)

    Friday, February 25, 2011

    Why the moon is so important for us...

    According to ancient believes the god of the moon was the god of reflection.

    The moon is the great reflector in the sky and reflection is what distinguishes human beings from other animals.

    Those of us who feel a deep connection with the moon might also reflect more deeply. Deep reflection leads to a deep understanding. A deep understanding allows to see the true reality (=absolute Wirklichkeit / wahre Existenz).

    In true reality there is no separation. We are one.

    Ancient history of creation - Act 3: The animal era

    From vegetable to animal life. The age of the moon.

    In the past, matter had build the ground for vegetable life to be born and now the vegetable life formed a seed bed into which the seeds of animal life fell.

    If the state of paradise, of Garden of Eden would have gone on for ever, humanity would have never evolved beyond the vegetable stage.

    There was a momentous event: The sun god separated from mother earth and was shining from then on from the sky onto the surface of mother earth. As a result the earth cools, becomes denser, shrinks and the whole of its watery surface is covered by Adam, Eve and their flowery progeny.

    Suddenly a giant snake (Luzifer), seemingly endless long appeared, millions of miles of it weaving its way into the cosmos. The snake coiled itself ever more tightly around Adam's vegetable trunk. The story of the serpent entwined around the tree contains the clearest possible image of the earth's transition from vegetable to animal life. The entwining of the snake and tree is a picture of the formation of the spine and central nervous system of animals. The whole earth began to seethe (=wimmeln) with primitive animal life.

    This marked the moment from which on beings had to suffer, to strive and to die. The evolution of animal life and its characteristic method of reproduction (sex) brought death with it. As soon as hunger and desire were felt so were dissatisfaction, frustration, sorrow and fear.

    Lucifer, the snake, the tempter who inflames humanity with animal desire equates to the goddess of Venus/Aphrodite.

    Whilst it might seem counter-intuitive to equate the goddess of Venus/Aphrodite with Luzifer as Venus/Aphrodite is female and perceived as more life-enhancing, there are key points of similarity. Both Lucifer and Venus/Aphrodite are bound up with animal desire and sexuality. The apple is the fruit associated with both.

    Any power human beings have to resist the animal desires - indeed what stops us from being a mere animal - derives from our capacity for thought and reflection.

    Venus (Luzifer) was traditionally depicted as holding a mirror as a symbol of the power of reflection to modify desire. The god of reflection was the great reflector in the sky: The god of the moon.

    (Inspiration and extracts from Jonathan Black: The secret history of the world)

    Ancient history of creation - Act 2: The vegetable era

    Transition from a purely mineral cosmos to a cosmos burgeoning with plant life. The age of the sun.

    The Sun God arrives in order to rescue Mother Earth from Saturn. In the eye of imagination the Sun is a beautiful and radiant young man with a leonine mane. He rides a chariot and he is a musician. He has got many names - Krishna in India, Apollo in Greece.

    The Sun arises in the midst of the storm, pushing back the darkness of Saturn until it becomes like a giant dragan or serpent encircling the cosmos.

    The Sun then warms Mother Earth into new life. As he does so, he gives vent (=macht sich Luft) to a great, triumphal roar that reverberates to the outer limits of the cosmos. The roar causes matter in the cosmic womb to vibrate, to dance and form patterns. This process is sometimes known as 'the dance of the substance'. After a while it causes matter to coagulate. The sun is singing the world into existence. The victory of the Sun god indicates the momentous transition from a purely mineral cosmos to a cosmos with primitive form of pant life.

    Time passed and the primitive plant life began to weave together more permanently. The vast vegetable being at the heart of the cosmos was Adam. Adam's body had first been very soft and amorphous, with a skin almost as delicate as the skin on a pond. But gradually it began to harden, warmed by the sun, and what would in time become bone, now became something closer to wax. As Adam solidified he also began to devide into two, which means he was a hermaphrodite who reproduced in an asexual way. This asexual reproduction was by a method called parthenogenesis, where a part of the plant falls off and grows into a new plant. By this plant-like method of reproduction Eva and other progeny were born out of Adams body. In a sense this is a continuation of the old plant which therefore somehow does not die.

    As time went on, the plant forms became more complex, more like the plants of today. Because there was as yet no animal element to the cosmos, they were without desire and so without care or dissatisfaction. Needs were satisfied before they could even be felt. This was Paradise.

    (Inspiration and extracts from Jonathan Black: The secret history of the world)

    Ancient history of creation - Act 1: The mineral era

    Move from state of nothingness to the existence of matter. The age of Saturn.

    In the beginning there precipitated out of the void (=Leere) matter that was finer and more subtle than light. Then came an exceptionally fine gas. This gas or mist was the Mother of All Living. This Mother Goddess will metamorphose in the cause of history, but in the beginning Earth was without form.

    History's first great reversal of luck was when Mother Goddess was attacked by a searing dry wind that almost extinguished the potential for life altogether. Through a physical eye it would have looked as if the gently interweaving mists were suddenly overtaken by a second emanation from the mind of God. Two titanic forces locked in combat at the beginning of our time.

    Mother Goddess would often be remembered as a loving, life-giving and nurturing figure, comfortingly round and soft-looking, but she also had a terrifying aspect. She was warlike when needs be.

    Her opponent was even more frightening. Long and bony the Dark Lord Saturn was armed with a deadly scythe (=Sense). (In Egyptian mythodology Saturn was Ptah.)

    What Saturn's invention introduced into creation was the potential for individual objects to exist - and therefore the transition from formless into form. Because of Saturn there is a law of identity in the universe. Because of Saturn a certain object occupies a certain space at a certain time.

    But if an individual entity can exist through time, then by implication it can cease to exist too. This is why Saturn is the god of destruction. Because of Saturn's influence everything that lives contains the seeds of its own end, and it is because of Saturn that what feeds us also destroys us. Because of Saturn our lives are hard. If we sometimes feel our lives almost too hard to bear, it is because Saturn pushes us to our limits.

    Saturn's tyranny over Mother Earth, his murderous attempt to squeeze all potential for life out of the cosmos, continued over vast periods immeasurable to the human mind. Eventually his tyranny was overthrown, and Saturn, if not entirely defeated, was kept in check and confined to his proper sphere.

    (Inspiration and extracts from Jonathan Black: The secret history of the world)

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

    Andere Richtung...!!!

    Schneller - höher - weiter!
    Ruhiger - tiefer - näher!

    (Stefan Fleischer)

    Übervolle Tage

    Das Übervollsein des Tages ist der völligen Leere gleichzusetzen.

    (Rainer Maria Rilke)

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

    Die Beschränkung

    In der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister.

    (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

    Informiert, klug, weise

    Wer Dinge kennt, ist informiert.
    Wer Menschen kennt, ist klug.
    Wer sich kennt, ist weise.

    (Josef Bordat)

    The journey is the reward

    The journey is the reward / Der Weg ist das Ziel

    (Chinese Proverb)


    Bleiben bedeutet auch – nirgendwo mehr anzukommen.

    (Bernhardt Bless)

    Zu nah dran

    Wenn du etwas nicht erkennen kannst, bist du vielleicht zu nah dran.

    (Anke Maggauer-Kirsche)

    Im Brauchen bin ich abhängig

    Wenn ich Nähe brauche, nehme ich dem andern etwas weg. Wenn ich sie genieße, dann fließt uns beiden etwas zu. Im Brauchen bin ich abhängig.

    (Ute Lauterbach)

    Haben was man braucht

    Wer braucht, was er hat,
    der hat, was er braucht!

    (Willy Meurer)

    Sunday, February 20, 2011

    Die Vollendung der Erkenntnis

    So wie das »Ganze mehr ist, als die Summe seiner Teile«,
    so ist das Durchleben die Vollendung der Erkenntnis!

    (Thomas Lutter)

    Bereit zum Untergang...

    Bereit zum Untergang ist reif zum Aufgang.

    (Emil Gött)

    Wer Nähe erleben will...

    Wer Nähe erleben will, muß sich immer wieder entfernen.

    (Anselm Vogt)

    Das Risiko der Nähe

    Es ist schwierig, einem Menschen nahe zu stehen, ohne ihm auf die Füsse zu treten.

    (Daniel Mühlemann)

    Nähe heisst nicht...

    Nähe heißt nicht: "Schleppe meinen Mist mit."

    (Ute Lauterbach)

    Wie nah man sich ist

    Wie nah dir ein Mensch wirklich ist mißt kein Navigations-System so zuverlässig wie dein Herz.

    (KarlHeinz Karius)

    Mir war noch nie ein Mensch so nah...

    Mir war noch nie ein Mensch so nah, der so weit für mich weg ist.

    (Ingo Adler)

    From Separateness to Oneness

    The path from Separateness to Oneness is called Integration.

    Der Weg von der Getrenntheit zur Einheit, vom Getrenntsein zum Einssein ist die Integration.

    Saturday, February 19, 2011

    Nährboden für Glück

    Bescheidenheit und Zuversicht sind ein idealer Nährboden für Glück.

    (Wolfgang Lörzer)

    Hart oder empfindsam

    Wenn man vor die Wahl gestellt wird, ist es besser, zu empfindsam als zu hart zu sein.

    (Friedrich der Große)

    Fordern und Erlangen

    Wenn du forderst, wirst du nicht erlangen.

    (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

    Der Weg zum Z

    Es gibt keinen Weg zum Z, der nicht am A vorbeiführt.

    (Christian Friedrich Hebbel)

    Die Quelle des Friedens

    Frieden strömt überall hin. Aber er hat nur eine Quelle: In unserer Mitte!

    (Sigrun Hopfensperger)

    Abschied zum zu sich kommen

    Wer nicht stets Abschied nimmt, ist noch nicht zu sich gekommen.

    (Erhard Blanck)

    Friday, February 18, 2011

    Optimist, Pessimist, Realist

    Der Optimist glaubt an die Zukunft, der Pessimist sehnt sich nach der Vergangenheit, der Realist aber lebt in der Gegenwart.

    (Wolfgang Kownatka)

    Thursday, February 17, 2011

    Reichtum durch Armut, Gewinnen durch Verlieren

    Es könnte sein, dass die Menschheit reicher wird, indem sie ärmer wird, und gewinnt, indem sie verliert.

    (Immanuel Kant)

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011


    Entzugserscheinungen verschwinden am schnellsten,
    wenn man beschließt, sie zu genießen.

    (KarlHeinz Karius)

    Pineal Gland, Third Eye and Brow Chakra

    The pineal gland (=Zirbeldrüse) is a small grey gland, the size of an almond, which is situated in the brain where the spinal cord reaches up into the brain. Anatomists discovered that the pineal gland is large in children and around puberty - when we naturally become less imaginative - the pineal gland begins a process of calcification and also shrinks.

    The hormone Melatonin is mainly produced in the pineal gland, mostly at night. Melatonin is essential for the rhythm of waking and sleeping and the maintenance of the immune system. Melatonin causes us to have dreams and, in sufficient dosages, can also cause waking hallucinations. Research has shown that the right meditation on the pineal glant causes it to release a rush of melatonin.

    In esoteric physiology our pineal gland begins to vibrate when we have a hunch (=Vorahnung). The ancients knew how to manipulate the pineal gland to achieve altered states. They saw the pineal gland as an organ of perception of higher worlds, a window opening on to the brightness and wonder of the spiritual hierachies. This window could be opened systematically by meditation and other secret practices which gave rise to visions.

    If spiritual disciplines are used to increase and prolong this vibration of the pineal gland, it may lead to the opening of the Third Eye. The Third Eye is situated in the middle of the brow. The Egyptians clearly depicted it as a uraeus snake and in Indian literature it is shown as the Third Eye of Enlightenment, or the Eye of Siva.

    The brow chakra is sometimes called the Third Eye.

    Vegetable elements in human being

    What eventually evolved into human life passed through the vegetable stage and the vegetable element remains an essential part of the human being today.

    If you remove the sympathetic nervous system (=Symphaticus oder Sympathisches Nervensystem, Teil des Vegetativen Nervensystems) from the body and stood it up on its own, it would look like a tree. "The sympathetic nervous system is the gift of the vegetable kingdom to the physical body of man."

    Subtle energies flow round this vegetable part of the body. The Chinese call this energy flow "Chi" and disease arises when the delicate network of energies becomes blocked. The chakras operate as its organs of perception. The great centre of the vegetable component of the human body, feeding on the waves of light and warmth radiating from the sun, is the chakra of the solar plexus.

    The organs of the vegetable body - the chakras - are made up of different numbers of petals (=Blütenblätter). The solar plexus chakra, for example, having ten petals and the brow chakra having two petals. The seven major chakras are situated at the groin, solar plexus, kidneys, heart, throat, brow and crown. The brow chakra is sometimes also called the Third Eye.

    The enlivening of the seven chakras will result in the great visions of the spiritual world.

    Monday, February 14, 2011

    More Fun / Mehr Spass

    Sex is more fun than logics, but I can't prove it.

    Sex macht mehr Spass als Logik, aber das kann ich nicht beweisen.


    Vermeiden, was man liebt,
    Hat viel' zu todt' betrübet.

    (Sigmund Betulius von Birken)


    Bei Entlassungen werden die Arbeitgeber zu Arbeit-Nehmern.

    (Ernst Reinhardt)

    Schrödinger's cat - a thought experiment

    The thought experiment went like this: A cat is placed in a room that is separated from the outside world. A Geiger counter and a little bit of a radioactive element are in the room. Within some time, say one hour, one of the atoms of the radioactive material may decay (or break down, this is because the material is not stable), or it may not. The Geiger counter can measure that. If the material breaks down, it will release poisonous gas, which will kill the cat.

    The question now is: at the end of the hour, is the cat alive or dead?
    Schrödinger says that as long as the door is closed, the cat could be dead or alive. There is no way to know until the door is opened.
    The problem is in that by opening the room, the person is interfering with the experiment. The person and the experiment have to be described with reference to each other. By looking at the experiment the person has influenced the experiment. A famous physics theory (the Copenhagen interpretation) said that the cat was both dead and alive until its observation proved it to be one or the other (Superposition).
    The cat situation was first proposed by Schrödinger to actually demonstrate the foolishness of thinking about quantum states at macro levels. It has also been referenced many times in pop culture.

    Sunday, February 13, 2011

    Woran wir denken

    Wir denken selten
    bei dem Licht an Finsternis,
    beim Glück ans Elend,
    bei der Zufriedenheit an Schmerz,
    aber umgekehrt jederzeit.

    (Immanuel Kant)

    The two levels of WHY

    When we ask WHY, it can be taken in two ways: Either meaning the same as HOW, that is to get an account of cause and effect, of atom knocking against atom answer, or to understand the underlying INTENTION.

    Weniger Bedürfnisse

    Je weniger Bedürfnisse ihr habt, desto freier seid ihr.

    (Immanuel Kant)

    Auf das Leben zurückblicken

    Was kann, wenn man nahe daran ist, diese Welt zu verlassen, tröstender sein als zu sehen, dass man einige, wenngleich nur wenige, zu guten Menschen gebildet hat.

    (Immanuel Kant)

    What did happen before time?

    God reflected on Himself. He looked into an imaginary mirrow and saw the future. He imagined beings very like Himself. He imagined free, creative beings capable of loving so intelligently and thinking so lovingly that they could transform themselves and others of their kind in their innermost being. They could expand their minds to embrace the totality of the cosmos, and in the depths of their hearts they could also perceive the secrets of its finest workings.

    This is exactly what God did. His reflections - humans - gradually and in stages, forming and achieving independent life, nurtured by Him, guided and prompted by Him over very long periods.

    God made the universe with humankind in his mind, an anthropocentric universe, allowing them to learn, make their experience, grow, walk their ways.

    The universe has nurtured us, helped human consciousness to evolve and guided each of us as individuals towards the great moments in our lives.

    (Inspiration and extracts from Jonathan Black: The secret history of the world)

    In the beginning there was no time

    Time is nothing but a measure of the changing positions of objects in space. A year is a measure of the movement of the earth round the sun. A day is the revolving of the earth on its axis.

    As any scientist, mystic or other person knows, in the beginning there were no objects in space. Hence, in the beginning, there was no time.

    Despite the initial absence of matter, space and time, something must have happened to get everything started, something must have happened before there was anything.

    Since there was no-thing when something first happened, it might make sense to say that this first happening was more like a mental event than a physical event.

    (from Jonathan Black, The secret history of the world, Chapter 1)

    Saturday, February 12, 2011

    The Ancient World

    For a person in the ancient world the wood around him and everything in it was alive. Such person felt one with the cosmos. Everything that happened to him was meant to happen. Everything spoke to him. Everthing was a punishment, a reward, a warning or a premonition (=Vorahnung).

    The ancients believed in a quite literal way, that nothing inside us is without correspondence in nature. If you looked down on to the internal organs of a human body, their disposition reflected the solar system. In the view of the ancients, all biology is astrobiology.

    Science has coined the word "biorhythms" to describe the way the relationships of the earth with the moon and the sun, marked by the sequence of seasons and day following night, is built biochemically deep into the function of every living being.

    This sense of interconnectedness was not just a bodily interconnectedness. It extended to consciousness too. The ancient man commonly experienced great spirits thinking through himself and through other people at the same time.

    Today we tend to be very proprietorial about our thoughts. We want to take credit for originating them, and we like to think that our private mental space is inviolate, that no other consciousness can intrude into it.

    Anyhow, the reality of our everyday experience is that thoughts are quite routinely introduced into what we like to think of as our private mental space from somewhere else: "Thoughts just come to us". The ancients understood this "somewhere else" as being some-one else, the someone being a god, an angel or a spirit.

    While today we like to think of ourselves as each having one individual centre of consciousness located inside the head, in the ancient world each person experienced him or herself as having several different centres of consciousness originating outside the head.

    The ancients did not worship the sun because they believed the physical object would be a sentient (=fühlendes) being, but because they saw the sun as a sort of lens through which the spiritual influence of a god rayed from the spiritual realm into the earthly realm. Other gods rayed their influences through the other planets and constellations. As the positions of the heavenly bodies changed, so the various patterns of influence give history direction and shape.

    The ancient mystery schools also taught, that we not only have a head-consciousness, but also, for example, a heart-consciousness, meaning the heart is the portal through which Sun God enters our life. Likewise a kind of kidney-consciousness beams into us from Venus, spreading out into our mind and body via the portal of our own kidneys. Similar relationships exist for Mercury/Lungs, Jupiter/Liver, Mars/Gall and Saturn/Spleen(=Milz).

    The working together of these different centres of consciousness makes us variously loving, angry, melancholy, restless, brave, thoughtful and so on, forming the unique thing that is human experience.

    Working through the different centres of consciousness in this way, the gods of the planets and constellations prepare us for the great experiences, the great tests that the cosmos means us to have.

    (from Jonathan Black: The secret history of the world, Chapter 2)

    Thursday, February 10, 2011

    Bye Bye Baby... I will always love you

    I will let you go... doch ich bin immer Dein Zuhaus... this door is never closed... eine Seele in zwei Körpern... you'll know how to find me... und es wird niemals enden... bye bye princess... gute Reise gute Reise... I will always love you...

    (Click here and here and here)

    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    In gleichem Maße lieben

    Haben wir nicht alle schon einmal unsere Kinder verzweifelt klagen hören: "Aber Du hast ihn/sie viel lieber als mich"

    Was ist unsere Reaktion auf eine solche Aussage?

    Haben wir nicht alle das kindliche Bedürfnis geliebt zu werden?

    Wollen wir nicht alle immer "am meisten" geliebt werden?

    Aber wie genau soll das subjektive Gefühl der Liebe denn "objektiv" gemessen werden?

    Wo ist das Messinstrument (z.B. "Liebes-Tacho", "Liebes-Barometer" oder vgl.) dass mißt, in "welchem Maße" wir lieben?

    Wie können wir sicherstellen, dass die von Hesse (neben der Treue zu sich selbst) als Wichtigstes im Leben bezeichnete liebevolle Güte zu Anderen im "gleichen Maße" erfolgt?

    Kann man überhaupt mehrere Personen "im gleichen Maße" lieben?
    • Kannst Du es?
    • Kann ich es?
    • Kann der Dalai Lama es?
    • Kann Buddha es?
    • Kann Gott es?  
    Und wo genau ist eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen Dir, mir, dem Dalai Lama, Buddha und Gott?!

    Ist es nicht genau dieser Weg den wir alle - teils bewusst, teils unbewusst - beschreiten, der uns aus der Verblendung zum Erwachen, zum Erkennen der wahren Existenz führt?

    Ist nicht letztlich alles Eins?

    Ist die subjektiv empfundene Liebe zwischen einzelnen "Individuen" nicht einfach nur der Versuch des Universums, uns einen kleinen Vorgeschmack davon zu vermitteln, was die eigentlich wahre Existenz ist?

    Sind wir nicht einfach noch gefangen in unseren alten, kindlichen Wahrnehmungen, noch immer Opfer der Verblendung - aber dennoch mit berechtigter Hoffnung auf Erleuchtung?

    Tuesday, February 8, 2011

    Reich sein

    Reich ist man nicht durch das, was man besitzt, sondern mehr noch durch das, was man mit Würde zu entbehren weiß.

    (Immanuel Kant)

    Sunday, February 6, 2011

    Unbegründete Furcht

    Ein großer Teil der Sorge besteht aus unbegründeter Furcht.

    (Carl Hilty)

    Geduld ist ein Baum

    Geduld ist ein Baum mit bitteren Wurzeln der süße Früchte trägt.

    (aus Persien)

    Saturday, February 5, 2011

    Balanced degree of memory

    To form our basic sense of self and consciousness we need to have a fine balanced degree of memory.

    "Memory has to be strong enough to enable us to act without forgetting what we wanted to do, to learn without ceasing to be the same person, but it also has to be weak enough to allow us to keep moving into the future."

    (Italo Calvino)

    Physics and Metaphysics

    The key difference between physics and metaphysics is that they are explaining different things. Modern science explains how the universe comes to be as it is, whilst the ancient philosophy explains how our experience of the universe comes to be as it is. For science the great miracle to be explained is the physical universe. For esoteric philosophy the greater miracle is human consciousness.

    (Jonathan Black)