Sunday, February 13, 2011

What did happen before time?

God reflected on Himself. He looked into an imaginary mirrow and saw the future. He imagined beings very like Himself. He imagined free, creative beings capable of loving so intelligently and thinking so lovingly that they could transform themselves and others of their kind in their innermost being. They could expand their minds to embrace the totality of the cosmos, and in the depths of their hearts they could also perceive the secrets of its finest workings.

This is exactly what God did. His reflections - humans - gradually and in stages, forming and achieving independent life, nurtured by Him, guided and prompted by Him over very long periods.

God made the universe with humankind in his mind, an anthropocentric universe, allowing them to learn, make their experience, grow, walk their ways.

The universe has nurtured us, helped human consciousness to evolve and guided each of us as individuals towards the great moments in our lives.

(Inspiration and extracts from Jonathan Black: The secret history of the world)

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