Saturday, February 26, 2011

Devil, Satan, Luzifer

One would assume that there is only one devil and that Satan and Lucifer are the same entity, but that is not the case.

Satan, the Dark Lord, the agent of materialism, is to be identified with the god of the planet Saturn.

Lucifer, the snake, the tempter who inflames humanity with animal desire equates to the goddess of Venus/Aphrodite.

Lucifer is evil, but he is a necessary evil, because without his intervention, proto-humanity would not have evolved beyond a vegetative form of life. Because of Lucifer, we are animated, both in terms of moving on the surface and are moved by desire. An animal has a conscious awareness of itself as a distinct entity that is denied to plants.

Another part of the ancient history tells that as Lucifer fell, a great emerald (Parcifal's stone) dropped from his forehead, which signals that humanity would increasingly suffer a loss of vision in the third eye, the brow chakra.

While the result of the influence of Satan is that life is often hard to bear, it is as a result of the influence of Lucifer/Venus that life is often hard to understand.

The influence of Venus brought a paradoxical, tricky quality into the heart of the universe. In other words, delusion (=Täuschung/Illusion) entered the world. Lucifer endowed matter with glamour that would dazzle humankind, and blind people to higher truths.

The Luziferic element is infused into our very physiology. Desire and delusion combine in us dangerously. Because of Luzifer's influence, the good that I should do, I do not, and the evil which I should not do, I do. Part of us always knows what is right, but that is often overruled by a part that is under Luzifer's control.

Because of Luzifer we do not always believe in proportion to the evidence. We often believe what we want to believe; see things, depending on how we choose to look at them; can be good-heartedly or narrow-minded.

(Inspiration and extracts from Jonathan Black: The secret history of the world)

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