Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Carbon Dioxide Consumption of trees

The average consumption of carbon dioxide is approx 6 kg/day per tree (Common Beech) and the average production of oxigen is 5 kg/day.

Information source click here.

Peter Ward - One Impact of Global Warming

When you heat the world you heat the pole more than you do the equatorial region. When that happens, you start losing circulation. The only reason you have wind now is you have a hot spot and a cold spot and they’re trying to equilibrate. Well, an ocean current you have the same thing. You have a cold Antarctic and then you warm them up, the ocean circulation system is dampened down; there’s much less heat difference.

So when we heated the poles to the point that there is no longer – or already in a very sluggish ocean circulation, the ocean is going oxic, they lose their oxygen. They only keep oxygenated now because of this vigorous mixing. Well, even when you have oxygen in the atmosphere and contact with the surface, once you slow down any circulation, that whole basin can lose this oxygen. The Black Sea is the same case. It’s sits under a 21% oxygen atmosphere, and yet the Black Sea, except for the top several meters, in anoxic. It’s black because it’s producing a lot of sulfur-producing bacteria and there’s very nasty gasses that are produced.

We now think the big mass extinctions were caused by global anoxia. The oceans themselves so sluggish that the hydrogen sulfide bacteria are produced in huge areas of the ocean bottom bubbles up to the surface and starts killing things; rotten egg killing. It would be extremely nasty. Hydrogen Sulfide poisoning is a horrible death. Two hundred hydrogen sulfide molecules among a million air molecules is enough to kill a human. I mean, just breathing in 200 of those little things amid all the million you’re got in oxygen and boom, you’re down, horribly down.

So, this is a really nasty poison and it was certainly present in past oceans during these short-term global warming events. That’s why it’s really spooky what we’re doing now.

Click here  to see the video on BigThink.

Interview with Deepak Chopra

BigThink Interview with Deepak Chopra: How do you contribute?

Click here to see the video on BigThink.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sphere of Individual Concern

Within our own Sphere of Individual Concern...
...we discover issues quickly
...we see advantages and dangers easily
...we draw conclusions naturally
...we decide what steps to take

Outside our own Sphere of Individual Concern...
...we are not used to questions of such dimensions
...we perceive issues as far away
...we assume someone else will take care of the issues at some point in time
...we feel somehow disconnected from the issues
...we ask why we should take care of the issues
...we think we are too little to do anything

Our Mission is to widen the Sphere of Individual Concern of as many human beings as possible.

Egoism, Altruism, Love

The experienced dissolution of the differnce between Egoism and Altruism is often also referred to as Love.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Planning Horizon

If you are planning for a year, sow rice
If you are planning for a decade, plant trees
If you are planning for a lifetime, educate people

(Chinese Proverb)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Know who you are


"If you know who you are, there is nothing to prove"

Monday, September 13, 2010

The moon

The moon is the only celestial body in the entire universe that humans have ever touched. It is far away and difficult to reach, but it has been possible to get there and at some point in time some of us might even call it their new home.

According to the latest scientific research the moon was built approximately 4,5 billion years ago, when another celestial body of the size of Mars hit our mother earth. A catastrophic impact, but somehow the earth itself has given birth to that fascinating satellite that countless living beings have marveled at for aeons and which is likely to orbit our planet far beyond the point of extinction of the human race.

During the lifetime of any creature inhabiting plant earth, the moon will be always be there, being stable and reliable, with oscillating lunar phases reminding us at the never ending but ever evolving cycles that seem to be the fundamental pattern even beyond our current universe.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ric O'Barry - The Cove

I have just seen the documentary film "The Cove"which describes the killing of dolphins that is happening every year in a cove near Taiji in Japan. Ric O'Barry who was first recognised for training the  five dolphins that played the role of "Flipper" in the 1960's is now fighting as an activist against the capturing and killing of that remarkable species.

According to the film, 23.000 dolphins get killed annually in a season that starts in September and carries on for a couple of months every year. Whilst the way this slaughtering seems to happen certainly raises huge concerns there are also a number of other puzzling questions brought up in that context.

Why get so many animals killed, as apparently not that many people - whilst eating meat of bigger Whales is accepted in Japan - do eat dolphins? The hypothesis brought up is that dolphin meat is sold labeled as Whale meat.

It seems that dolphins - due to their position towards the end of the food chain - have accumulated large and toxic amounts of mercury in their bodies. Whilst this accumulation of mercury in dolphins itself is already tragic enough, why do humans get exposed to eat such intoxicated meat as well?

Why seems the Japanese population not to know about that?

Why are bodies like the International Whaling Commission (IWC) not able to find mechanisms to deal with these sort of problems?

It is known that dolphins are highly intelligent animals which apparently also possess self consciousness and this is certainly also true for other living beings on this planet. How can we - the human race - get connected and start to realise that we are closely interwoven in that system? We need to use our own intelligence and consciousness to drive the changes required in this world.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Loving means continuous forgiving

An old lady - which name will not be disclosed here - once said to me: "Loving is actually continuous forgiving".

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Be thankful, dream big and never give up

This is an amazing movie about Nick Vujicic - a man with no arms, no legs but still no worries. Where are most of us in comparison when complaining about things that might not be 100% perfect....?

Click here to see the video on YouTube.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Evolution of human consciousness

There are a number of different models that attempt to describe specific steps in the gradual development of human consciousness, one being the Spiral Dynamics introduced by Don Beck and Chris Cowan.

Click here to read more on Wikipedia.