Saturday, February 26, 2011

The pituitary gland and the moon

In all ancient cultures the moon regultated not only fertility but also thought. The moon as god of reflection has the power to modify desire.

Human reflection is possible as the cosmos has arranged sun and moon in the sky so that the moon reflects the light of the sun down to earth.

There is a reproduction of this arrangement in a smaller scale inside our human head, where the pineal gland (=Zirbeldrüse/Pinealdrüse) represents the sun and the pituitary gland (=Hirnanhangsdrüse/Hypophyse) represents the moon.

The pituitary gland can modify and reflect on the visions that the pineal gland receives from the spirit worlds.

Modern science has confirmed, that the pituitary glands (=Hirnanhangsdrüse/Hypophyse) - like oysters - wax and wane with the moon.

(Inspiration and extracts from Jonathan Black: The secret history of the world)

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