Sunday, August 3, 2014

I only believe what I see / I only see what I believe

Most people think they have to leave where they are in order to get where they want to be. But you cannot go to where you already are.

There is nothing to strive or work for. Heaven is nowhere ("nowhere" = "now here"). All is here and now. You only need to know (accept and understand) that there is nowhere to go, nothing to do and nobody you have to be - except being exactly who you are right now. Anyhow, this is very difficult to believe, given what you might experience in your reality today.

It seems like a vicious circle:
You do not know what you have not experienced,
and you do not experience what you don't know yet.

The CxO-Evolution Academy can help you to break this vicious circle.  Based on rational and scientific investigations you begin to know something, which you have not experienced before. Thus you build the foundation to experience reality as the oneness it really is.

The "Evolution of Consciousness" is the process of gradually overcoming the kind of amnesia inherent in all human beings and helping to know that you are already everything you desire to be. This knowing is the prerequisite for creating the reality you wish to experience.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Meditation, Cosmic Energy, Evolution of Consciousness, Astral Body, Purpose of Life, Enlightenment

This film creates a perspective on how topics such as Meditation, Cosmic Energy, Etheric Body, Pyramids, Evolution of Consciousness, Third-eye, Astral Body, Birth, Death, Purpose of Life, and Enlightenment all fit together:

Everyone search for good health, peace, knowledge, prosperity, harmony, and a happy and blissful life at all given times and situations. These can be achieved by understanding cosmic energy and self-knowledge.

Cosmic Energy is the life force that exists everywhere. It is essential to maintain the order of our life and to expand our consciousness. We are receiving some amount of cosmic energy in deeps sleep and in total silence. This energy is used for the day-to-day actions of our body and all other activities of our mind like seeing, speaking, hearing and thinking. Not having enough cosmic energy leads to physical and mental stress and all kinds of illnesses.

Abundant cosmic energy can be obtained through meditation. Sleep is a kind of unconscious mediation, whilst meditation is a kind of conscious sleep. In sleep we get limited energy, but in meditation we get abundant energy, which enhances the power of our body, mind, and intellect.

Meditation is nothing but a journey of our consciousness towards the self, transcending our body and our mind. In meditation we consciously travel from body to mind, from mind to intellect, from intellect to self, and beyond.

We can meditate in any place wherever we feel comfortable. In meditation we seek to stop functions of our body such as movements, seeing, speaking, and thinking. We relax our body totally. We close the eyes, as they are the doors of our mind. We stop inner and outer chatter.

When the body relaxes, consciousness travels to the mind and intellect. Mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts. Numerous thoughts always arise and whenever there are thoughts in the mind, we may get many known and unknown questions.

To transcend the mind and intellect, one has to observe the breath. Observation is the nature of the self. If a though arises, don’t cling to it. Just come back to observe your normal breathing. Gradually the density of your thoughts reduces and you will reach a state of being totally thought-less. This no-thought-state is the meditative state.

In this meditative non-thought state we receive cosmic energy. The more meditation one does, the more cosmic energy one receives.

This cosmic energy flows into our energy body. This energy body is also called etheric body and it made up of more than 72.000 energy tubes which run all across the body. These energy tubes start from the top of the head region and spread throughout the body like roots and shoots of a plant.

Our thoughts are the stumbling blocks for the inflow of cosmic energy. When we have thoughts, the inflow of cosmic energy into our body is obstructed and the energy tubes get depleted. This depletion causes etheric patches in the energy body, which gradually lead to diseases in the physical body. The root cause for all diseases is the lack of energy in the etheric body. When cosmic energy is passing through the energy tubes of our etheric, it cleanses the patches and we come out of all physical and mental illness.

The inflow of energy works particularly well inside a pyramid, as the meditative state there can be achieved three times faster than at other places. Pyramids, formed at an angle of 52 degrees, 51 minutes and perfectly aligned to cardinal directions (north, south, east, west), receive the highest cosmic energy. The pyramid can be constructed with any material, as the material makes no difference in the receiving of the cosmic energy. Cosmic energy gets accumulated and will be maximum in a spot called the “kings chamber” at one third of the height from the base of the pyramid.

Meditation leads to a tranquil mind, higher memory power and improved understanding capabilities. It leads to good interpersonal relationships, enhances the happiness of family life, and makes you healthy and blissful. In one sitting, meditation should be done for a time equal to one’s age (e.g. 40-year old people should meditate at least 40 minutes in one sitting).

Meditation also helps getting all answers to all our questions, as it takes you to the realms of higher knowledge. Knowledge is nothing but experience, which is nothing but totally involving yourself. With higher energy, higher involvement is achieved and through knowledge we get higher understanding and wisdom:

  • We understand that we are not just the body and mind. 
  • We understand that we are miraculous beings. 
  • We understand all the situations we come across.
  • We come out of all of our problems with a higher understanding. 

The evolution of consciousness is the very purpose of the self and higher energy and higher knowledge expand the consciousness. Higher knowledge is obtained only through higher senses like third-eye and astral body.

The third eye is a very powerful tool of the soul to see, to feel, and to hear the higher frequency realities. By practicing meditation, the energy activates the third eye. One starts seeing colors, hearing sounds, and we feel as if we are traveling in a pitch-dark tunnel.

When the etheric body gets sufficient cosmic energy by meditation, our third-eye gets perfected. Here we perceive crystal clear visions of this plane and other planes. In third-eye perfection we see many things clearer than the physical visions. We see other frequency realities and we see the things which are not present in the realm of the five senses. We feel many things which we can not express with words. We hear inner voices, sounds or sounds of instruments from other frequencies.

Through third-eye experiences we know we can get answers for all our problems, though messages from the masters, by seeing other frequency realities, or as feelings. By this our actions will change, our beliefs will change, our understanding will change. After such third-eye experiences we also find changes in our perception of this physical plane.

The Astral Body is another tool of the self to perceive other frequency realities. Our astral body is one more form of our consciousness, just like our physical body. In normal condition, our consciousness is spread throughout our physical body, but when we receive a sufficient amount of energy, and when we feel to perceive other frequency realities, consciousness moves in the form of astral body.

The astral body travels beyond space and time. We perceive astral body experiences unconsciously in our sleep as dreams, but we can also perceive them consciously in meditation. In meditation the consciousness, which is originally spread everywhere in the body, starts moving towards a single point. In this state we feel as if our body is floating. We don’t feel the hands and legs; we feel lightness of the body like a feather. Movements might be experienced in the body (e.g. Rotations) which are known as astral movements.

After our consciousness has taken the form of an astral body and moves very fast inside the physical body, this astral body starts coming out of the body. The astral body stays connected with the physical body through a link which is called “silver cord”. This silver cord is nothing but a high vibrant consciousness which transfers the messages of the physical body to the astral body and vice versa. With this we do astral travel.

Astral travel is a travel of our consciousness to known and unknown places and frequencies. By doing astral travel we get highest knowledge and understanding of the self. In astral travel, our astral body can pass through all physical materials, all elements like earth, water, fire, wind, and ether. The astral body can go to all other frequencies without any limitations.

After the astral body has come out of the physical body, the meditator sees his own physical body. By this he gets a great understanding: He understands that he is not just the body and mind, but that he stays in the body. This is a great understanding. By experiencing astral travel, our limitedness will vanish and we understand that we are unlimited. We understand that we are the consciousness and we understand all the dimensions of life.

The common person will get experience only through his physical senses, but it fails to perceive the total knowledge in a situation. This is because he experiences the situation with physical understanding alone. A meditator on the other hand will understand the situation in total, because he knows that he is not only the body. He knows that he just stays in the body. He understands that the situations are for his evolution.

After experiencing all meditational experiences and implementing it in our practical life, we will get great understanding, opening up many doors to new perceptions in our life. Our understanding, our perception, and our knowledge expands a lot, leading to the expansion of our consciousness. This is creating wisdom. By perceiving more and more dimensions, we understand more and more knowledge of other existences. With this understanding we come to know that there is no death and that we are eternal beings. We understand what is birth and what is death.

We come to this earth plane as a speck of cosmic consciousness, in order to have unique experiences. For these experiences we select the who, the parents, the environment, and the situations. The whole design of life is known to the self.

After selecting the mother, the speck of consciousness enters the mothers womb and the fetus gets life. When the child is born, the consciousness takes its first external breath through the new physical body. From day one to the age of seven, we still have awareness of our source. Then the mind starts taking its shape from the age of seven onwards, until it is completely formed by the age 14. The intellect starts it’s activation from the age of 14 and is fully developed by the age of 21. From the age of 21 to the age of 28 one experiences the combination of body, mind, and intellect. From the age of 28 onwards, life depends on self-knowledge. If one does not have awareness of the self, his consciousness lies in between body and mind. Because of this, misery starts. He can not understand the situations. Things will become more critical for him and he moulds himself into concealed rigidness. This rigidness locks the cosmic flow and due to the resulting lack of cosmic energy he suffers physical illness, stress and tensions. He passes his days without awareness and can not understand the very purpose of his life.

The unaware person passes from childhood days to youth, then to old age and finally passes away from this earth plane, without completing the purpose of coming to the earth plane. Even after death, the layer of rigid mind with wrong understanding, does not allow the consciousness to reach the source. Because of the wrong understanding, he creates his own hell and heaven, and stays as a lore astral being.

If - on the other hand - we start the life being with our self, we will always be blissful in all given situations and after death our consciousness will go back to the source.

By obtaining high knowledge through the third eye, astral travel, knowledge of birth and death, one will have perfect understanding of body, mind, intellect, self and life force. One understands that the consciousness is a combination of energy and knowledge, coming to this earthly plane to create and therefore to gain more energy and knowledge. By living all the time with this insight, one starts getting a higher understanding about the existence of the whole creation. With this wisdom, one will become a miraculous creator. Then, whatever one speaks, it manifests. Whatever one things, it manifests. Whatever one does, it becomes a creation. This is enlightenment.

Don't fight the existing reality...

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." (Buckminster Fuller)

Change the world - change yourself

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but nobody thinks of changing him or herself." (Leo Tolstoy)

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds

Part 1: Akasha

(original YouTube video)
(Click here to find other language versions of this YouTube video.)
(Official Website of Inner Worlds Movie)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Creation by intelligent subtraction

Only when all colors of the rainbow (e.g. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) are combined, you see pure white light. To create a red spot from a bright source of white light, you need to remove or block (filter) all other colors, leaving only the red.

Like a picture or film gets created by filtering (intelligent subtraction) the white light of a projector bulb, the reality we experience results from the limitation (intelligent subtraction) of the unlimited potential. Our physical universe comes about when an absolute realm of infinite potential selectively limits itself. Space and time manifest when the absolute realm filters out some of its own infinite potential. Other universes with other laws of physics would result from a similar process but using a different filter of the infinite.

Rather than making something out of nothing by random addition, creation is a filtering process - an intelligent and selective subtraction - that makes something out of everything. The residue of this process is our physical universe - including ourselves. We are nothing less than a (filtered) part of the infinite potential.

Our individual consciousness comes about through the same process: Your individual mind is filtered from the absolute mind. Your individual thoughts are filtered from the thoughts of the absolute realm. Your immortal spirit is filtered from the immortal spirit of the absolute.

Philosopher Peter Russell claims that we can experience four states of consciousness:
1. Awake State - We experience awareness. The objects of our consciousness originate in the physical reality around us. (Projector analogy: The physical world acts like the roll of film creating your reality.)
2. Dream State - We experience awareness. The objects of our consciousness have some internal origin. (Projector analogy: Your memories and experiences act like the roll of film that generates your dream.)
3. Deep-sleep State - There is no awareness. (Projector analogy: The plug has been pulled on the projector; there is no white light.)
4. Meditation State - There is awareness. Awareness of nothing but consciousness itself. This pure self-awareness is your ultimate consciousness. (Projector analogy: Pure white light itself, not filtered or affected in any way by the objects of consciousness.)

The pure consciousness experienced in a meditation state is a concentration point within the single universal (absolute) consciousness. We are each individual manifestations of an infinite consciousness. In a meditation state you can experience this absolute, even though you are still in your physical body.

(Inspired by Bernard Haisch, The God Theory, Chapter 3)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tom Campbell Interview - The Nature of Reality, Consciousness and Evolution

Awareness of Unity

"The Universe is late in arriving at awareness of its own unity, and this awareness has come into the world for the first time with humanity" - Walter Wink: "Engaging the Powers"

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hacking School Approach for a Happy Life

See also Roger Walsh's Website which identifies 8 ways to wellbeing:
  • Nature - We are a part of nature and nature is part of us
  • Recreation - Recreation, humor, and play not only feel good, but also do us good
  • Relaxation - Using relaxation for stress management
  • Nutrition - Feel better by changing your diet
  • Exercise - Exercise is also a key to mental health
  • Relationships - Essential elements of a happy life
  • Giving back - We do not live for ourselves alone
  • Spirituality - “The Big Picture”

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Structure Hero's Journey Story

Great Stories always follow the structure of the Hero's Journey.

They are divided in 3 Acts, the beginning (Act 1, duration 30 mins), the middle (Act 2, duration 60 mins), and the end (Act 3, duration 30 mins).

Those 3 phases of the story are also referred to as...

  • setup, conflict, resolution
  • thesis, antithesis, synthesis
  • separation, initiation, return

In the separation phase, you feel cut off, you feel alone, you feel that love (or the creator) has abandoned you. This causes you to build up defense mechanisms to protect your sensitive core.

In the initiation phase, you face your fears, confront your shadow, and ultimately let go of your deepest flaws. In doing so, you achieve triumph, or illumination - the spiritual ascension into the realm of pure knowledge, where that true love is the Elixir of Immortality that is now readily available to you.

In the return phase, you go back to your normal life and transform it, with the new understandings you have reached. You realize that you have yourself, and therefore you can never be alone. Once you learn to love yourself, you gain whatever your true heart desires - and you help others in the process.

(from David Wilcock: The Synchronicity Key)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Schwarzer Freitag


People don't know themselves because they believe in a brand. They believed in a label. That's all it is. It's an empty shell filled with thoughts.

We think about everything. The problems are in your mind. Everything is in your mind.
  • It is only in your thoughts, that you find right or wrong. 
  • It is only in your thoughts, that you find good and bad. 
  • It is only in your thoughts, that you experience duality.
If you are stuck in what seems like feelings from the past, then realize: Those are Now! That is the communion that's taking place right now.

If you have anger, and you can't still let go of it, it's because you still want it. Be honest with yourself and say:
  • I still want this thing. 
  • I still want this hurt. 
  • I still want this anger. 
  • It still serves me in some way. 
That which we ally ourselves with, is what we experience. Spirits don't express any kind of egoic concept. They simply express their nature, just what is:
  • When you ally with spirits that are based in love and kindness and joy, you experience love kindness and joy. 
  • When you ally with spirits that are negative, painful and create hurt, you get negativity, pain and hurt. 
Open the mind, so that motion can change the way you think, so you may have a new experience of yourself and the world in which you live.

Only after you've gone past all of those layers, all the thinking has ended, and the mind has stopped, you have the opportunity to experience a truer expression of the self. 

Learn to know that your essence is untouched by circumstances.

Love is the only thing that brings conclusion:
  • There is only one conclusion to all of this work: It is love. 
  • There is only one conclusion to the path of enlightenment: It is love. 
  • There is only one conclusion to the path of spiritual growth: It is love. 
  • There is only one conclusion to the path of spirituality: It is love. 
  • There is only one conclusion to the path of healing: It is love. 
The moment you love yourself, the moment you will be healed.

Do you want to go into the real relationship that you hold with yourself and the world? Do you want to find the real truth, the real meaning?

The Ayahuasca ceremony has everything that life has in it, and it let's you see really for what it is:
  • It let's you move into the essence. 
  • It let's you move into the truth behind your experience. 
  • It let's you find yourself. 
  • It let's you answer the question: Who am I really? Not my mind, not my body, not my heart. Not my thoughts, not my thinking, not my feelings. 
Who am I? If we had collectively answered that question, the world would not look like the world looks today:
  • We would not have the values that we have. 
  • We would not hurt each other. 
  • We would not harm each other. 
If we could teach our children that level of love, the world would evolve and the world would change. We would evolve and we would change:
  • We'd be able to see that we're not separate. 
  • We'd be able to see that we're not alone. 
  • We'd be able to see that we are actually here to support and help each other, love each other and be compassionate with each other. 
A hallucination is defined as a false perception of reality, whilst a vision is based on something that is real. The vision seems governed by different rules and different laws than those we usually know from the physical world.

The Ayahuasca ceremonies can be a tremendous gift. They show you, they teach you and they train you...
  • to love yourself, 
  • to love others, 
  • to be nice, 
  • to be compassionate, 
  • to share, 
  • to be generous. 
It's a tremendous gift.

(Further information see film "Metamorphosis - The Ayahuasca Ceremony of the Amazon" or visit Blue-Morpho-Tours website)

Midway - Chris Jordan Film

Midway Film Trailer

TEDx Talk by Chris Jordan

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Great Learning by Confucius

(1) The way of great learning consists in manifesting one's bright virtue, consists in loving the people, consists in stopping in perfect goodness.

(2) When you know where to stop, you have stability. When you have stability, you can be tranquil. When you are tranquil, you can be at ease. When you are at ease, you can deliberate. When you can deliberate you can attain your aims.

(3) Things have their roots and branches, affairs have their end and beginning. When you know what comes first and what comes last, then you are near the Way.

(4) The ancients who wanted to manifest their bright virtue to all in the world first governed well their own states. Wanting to govern well their states, they first harmonized their own clans. Wanting to harmonize their own clan, they first cultivated themselves. Wanting to cultivate themselves, they first corrected their minds. Wanting to correct their minds, they first made their wills sincere. Wanting to make their wills sincere, they first extended their knowledge. Extension of knowledge consists of the investigation of things.

(5) When things are investigated, knowledge is extended. When knowledge is extended, the will becomes sincere. When the will is sincere, the mind is correct. When the mind is correct, the self is cultivated. When the self is cultivated, the clan is harmonized. When the clan is harmonized, the country is well governed. When the country is well governed, there will be peace throughout the land. 

(6) From the king down to the common people, all must regard the cultivation of the self as the most essential thing.

(7) It is impossible to have a situation wherein the essentials are in disorder, and the externals are well-managed. You simply cannot take the essential things as superficial, and the superficial things as essential. This is called, “Knowing the root.” This is called “The extension of knowledge.”

(Translation from traditional Chinese by A. Charles Muller:

Geld regiert die Welt

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Kogi - Message from the elder brother

The KOGI - descendants of the pre-Colombian civilization of the Tairona - are a genuine lost civilization hidden on an isolated triangular pyramid mountain in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, nearly five miles high, on the Colombian-Caribbean coast.

The Kogi say that without thought, nothing could exist.

In 1990 they emerged to work with Alan Ereira, making the 90-minute documentary "From the Heart of the World" for BBC1 in which they dramatically warned of our need to change course. Then they withdrew again.

This documentary led to a complete transformation of the Colombian attitude to these people. Today, each new Colombian President has to visit the mountain and seek their blessing.

But now the Kogi have summoned Alan Ereira back to say that we did not actually listen to what they said. We are incapable of being changed by being spoken to. They now understand that we learn through our eyes, not our ears. In the face of the approaching apocalypse, they have asked Ereira to make a film with them which will take the audience on a perilous journey into the mysteries of their sacred places to change our understanding of reality.

The new film ALUNA is not a work of fiction. ARE YOU READY TO BE CHANGED?

The Greatest Speech Ever Made - Charlie Chaplin

Sunday, February 2, 2014

If the doors of perception were cleansed...

If the doors of perception were cleansed
everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
For man has closed himself up,
til he sees all things thro' narrows chinks of his cavern.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Du bist Luft für mich...

Du bist Luft für mich…
die Luft, die ich zum Atmen brauche und
die Luft, die mich trägt, wenn ich in ungeahnte Höhen fliege.

(Liebeserklärung an Nici)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Difference between intuition and intellect

The difference between intuition and intellect is, that intuition is born of a direct awareness while intellect is an indirect action of a knowledge which constructs itself with difficulty out of the unknown from signs and indications and gathered data.

(SRI AUROBINDO, The Hidden Forces of Life, p. 4)