Saturday, February 5, 2011

Matter is precipitated by a cosmic mind

"Any piece of flotsam or jetsam within our grasp should be considered as a precipitate of our desire."

"Jedes Stück Ballast und Treibgut in unserer Auffassungsgabe sollte als eine Ausfällung unserer Begierde betrachtet werden."

(Andre Breton)

Mental events generate physical events

This precipitation of matter can be regarded as a series of thoughts emanating from a cosmic mind. Pure mind to begin with, these thought-emanations later became a sort of proto-matter, energy that became increasingly dense, then became matter so etheral that it was finer than gas, without particles of any kind. Eventually the emanations became gas, then liquid and finally solids.

It is comparable with crystals precipitating (=chem. Ausfällung) in the bottom of a solution, as if an impulse were squeezing them out from one dimension to the next. The birth of our universe, the mysterious transition from no-matter to matter can be explained in that way.

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