Monday, July 7, 2014

Creation by intelligent subtraction

Only when all colors of the rainbow (e.g. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) are combined, you see pure white light. To create a red spot from a bright source of white light, you need to remove or block (filter) all other colors, leaving only the red.

Like a picture or film gets created by filtering (intelligent subtraction) the white light of a projector bulb, the reality we experience results from the limitation (intelligent subtraction) of the unlimited potential. Our physical universe comes about when an absolute realm of infinite potential selectively limits itself. Space and time manifest when the absolute realm filters out some of its own infinite potential. Other universes with other laws of physics would result from a similar process but using a different filter of the infinite.

Rather than making something out of nothing by random addition, creation is a filtering process - an intelligent and selective subtraction - that makes something out of everything. The residue of this process is our physical universe - including ourselves. We are nothing less than a (filtered) part of the infinite potential.

Our individual consciousness comes about through the same process: Your individual mind is filtered from the absolute mind. Your individual thoughts are filtered from the thoughts of the absolute realm. Your immortal spirit is filtered from the immortal spirit of the absolute.

Philosopher Peter Russell claims that we can experience four states of consciousness:
1. Awake State - We experience awareness. The objects of our consciousness originate in the physical reality around us. (Projector analogy: The physical world acts like the roll of film creating your reality.)
2. Dream State - We experience awareness. The objects of our consciousness have some internal origin. (Projector analogy: Your memories and experiences act like the roll of film that generates your dream.)
3. Deep-sleep State - There is no awareness. (Projector analogy: The plug has been pulled on the projector; there is no white light.)
4. Meditation State - There is awareness. Awareness of nothing but consciousness itself. This pure self-awareness is your ultimate consciousness. (Projector analogy: Pure white light itself, not filtered or affected in any way by the objects of consciousness.)

The pure consciousness experienced in a meditation state is a concentration point within the single universal (absolute) consciousness. We are each individual manifestations of an infinite consciousness. In a meditation state you can experience this absolute, even though you are still in your physical body.

(Inspired by Bernard Haisch, The God Theory, Chapter 3)

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